Name: Gume Saam
Homeworld: Tibrin
Species: Ishi Tib
Gender: Male
Eye color: Yellow
Skin color: Green
Move: 10
Blaster: 3D
Brawling Parry: 3D
Dodge: 4D+2
Bargain: 5D+2
Command: 4D+2
Con: 3D+2
Hide: 3D+1
Persuasion: 6D+1
Sneak: 3D+2
Value: 5D+1
Alien Species: 4D+2
Bureaucracy: 6D+2
Cultures: 5D
Intimidation: 3D+1
Languages: 5D+1
Planetary Systems: 5D+1
Brawling: 3D+1
Space Transports: 3D+1
Repulsorlift Operation: 4D+2
Computer Programming/Repair: 3D+2
Droid Programming/Repair: 3D
Security: 4D+1
Special Abilities:
Beak: The beak of the Ishi Tib does Strength +2D damage.
Planners: The Ishi Tib are natural planners and organizers. At the time of character creation only, they may receive 2D for every 1D of beginning skill dice placed in bureaucracy, business, law enforcement, scholar or tactics skills (Ishi Tib still have the limit of being able to place only 2D of beginning skill dice in a skill).
Immersion: The Ishi Tib must fully immerse themselves
Amphibious: Ishi Tib are Amphibious, their lungs double as internal gills, and they had an acute sense of smell on land or in the water.
Story Factors:
Salt Water Baths: an Ishi Tib have to bathe in salt water every thirty hours or so, or their skin would crack open, resulting in internal and external bleeding and death. For every 10 hours without a salt water bath beyond 30, they take damage increasing by 1D for each 10 hours, so 1D at 30, 2D at 40, 3D at 50, etc, until they die.
CREDITS Vast personal wealth
Blaster Pistol (4D), Comlink, Expensive Clothes, Comlink
Description: Gume Saam was a male Ishi Tib senator who represented Tibrin in the Galactic Senate of the Republic during the Clone Wars. He was also a member of the group opposing Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's growing power. During the war, he was affiliated with the Techno Union and swayed toward the interests of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
During the Separatist Crisis, several systems began to split off from the Republic and joined with Count Dooku in the year 24 BBY. This led to increasing tensions between the Republic and the growing Separatist movement, eventually resulting in the formation of the Grand Army of the Republic, consisting of clone troopers bred on Kamino.
In 22 BBY, shortly after the Battle of Geonosis, Senator Gume Saam overlooked the deployment of clone troopers leaving the planet Coruscant ill-prepared for combat.
As a Senator, Gume Saam tried to push through a bill that would deregulate the banks, allowing the InterGalactic Banking Clan to open new lines of credit without the approval of the Galactic Senate. Seeing as the Republic seemed unwilling to deregulate the banks and instead opted for initiating peace negotiations with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Saam together with fellow representatives Lott Dod and Nix Card conspired with Count Dooku to stage an attack against Coruscant, in an attempt to convince the Senate into passing the bill.
Much to their chagrin, the Separatist Parliament extended a peace offer towards the Republic, though Dooku assured his representatives in the Senate of him preventing an end to the fighting. During the vote for the bill, Dooku's enforcer, General Grievous, launched an attack on a prominent Coruscant power generator. Using the proof of a Separatist attack, Saam convinced the Senate to retaliate by deregulating the banks to gain access to funds needed to purchase more arsenal for the war. This resulted in the congress passing the bill, much to joy of the Ishi Tib representative and his allies.
In 19 BBY, Saam was present at the Galaxies Opera House alongside fellow Ishi Tib Waks Trode.
After the Clone Wars and the Declaration of a New Order, the former Senator became a fugitive, and a bounty on his head was issued prior to the Battle of Yavin.