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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: HALOSubtype: Covenant WeaponsEra: Human-Covenant WarCanon:


"Holy Light!"
 Anonymous Sangheili

The Type-1 Antipersonnel Grenade, more commonly known as the plasma grenade, is a thrown Covenant anti-personnel explosive device. It is analogous to human hand grenades.

Model: Iruiru Armory Type-1 Antipersonnel Grenade
Type: Explosive (Grenade)
Scale: Character
Skill: Grenade
Cost: Not available for sale
Availability: 3, X
Difficulty: Easy
Range: Thrown
Blast Radius: 0/1/2/4
Damage: 7D/6D/5D/4D


-Sticky Bomb: When activated and planted or thrown, the weapon sticks to whatever surface it touches unless stated otherwise below.

-Shield Stripping: When used against an energy shielded target, if using the Energy Shields Halo D6 Rules Option, the shields are automatically reduced -1D before Damage needs to be rolled.  If not using these rules, the target's shileds are still reduced -1D when used against them.

-EMP Effect: Halo: Combat Evolved's plasma grenades were able to EMP vehicles and other tech when they detonated, though later versions did not have this feature.  If used, the weapon also does ion weapon Damage as per Star Wars D6 rules.  This can be specified to only affect vehicles if GMs wish, as this will seriously mess up anyone using powered armor with energy shields.

-Alternatives: If GMs/players disagree with the Damage/Blast Radius of the plasma grenade, the basic intention was to reduce the blast radius and increase the damage to portray the plasma grenade's function in relation to the UNSC frag grenade (the frag grenade had its Damage increased and blast radius decreased to reflect how it worked in the Halo games, and the plasma grenade was adjusted acording to this).  If the Damage is reduced, then the frag grenade should be used as the generic frag grenade shown in the Star Wars D6 rules, at least in relation to the damage it does.


Design Details

The Type-1 Antipersonnel Grenade is a dangerous hand-thrown weapon utilized by Covenant forces, typically used by Unggoy and Sangheili soldiers as both a thrown anti-infantry and anti-vehicle weapon. The grenade is spherical in shape and straightforward in design, with the activation "switch" located on the orange-colored area of the grenade. Above the activation pad is a Forerunner glyph. The glyphs seen on the plasma grenade are known to change with each new model and are believed to be based upon the time of manufacturing and the Covenant religious rituals.

The plasma grenade's casing is made of smart matter programmed to stick to infantry targets. When primed, the Type-1 plasma grenade starts to vent its coolant. After the coolant has been discharged, the plasma generator inside destabilizes and the grenade detonates after approximately 3 seconds. The grenade contains some type of internal mechanism that allows it to distinguish between targets and background, it will stick to a soldier or vehicle, but not to a tree or wall. Post-war study and analysis have discovered that the grenade relies on heat signatures to distinguish targets. Once something has been stuck with a grenade, there is no normal way to remove it, only devices like an advanced electromagnetic shield can temporary disable the internal mechanism. However, this technology is rare and only issued to special forces of both the UNSC and Covenant. Detonation is first visible as a flash of white-blue light, and the kill zone area is instantly subjected to extreme temperatures; whatever is in the ground zero area, be it natural or otherwise, is instantly vaporized. Because there is no magnetic field to contain the plasma, it begins to cool very quickly - thermal expansion begins to take over and the resulting heat fans outward and upward, continuing to burn areas up to forty feet away until the resulting flames have cooled to the point where it cannot continue to expand. After the initial explosion, the kill radius area becomes charged with negative and positive particles which will form electrical currents visible for a short period after the explosion.

The sheer destructive power the plasma grenade deals to any living creature within its vicinity is extreme; when a plasma grenade detonates on, or near a target it is subjected to extreme temperatures, killing anything within a 13-feet radius instantly; damage to the body is extreme, as the heat flash vaporizes the bodies internal fluids and burns flesh and bone to an unrecognizable charred state. The concussion wave released by the grenade will also cause additional damage to anything within the kill radius. Any living being outside of the kill zone may sustain heat damage as well, as non-heat resistant clothing or flammable material may be ignited by the heat released from a detonating plasma grenade. The concussive force released by the grenade can also harm or disorient anything just outside the kill radius and can also be affected by the flames released from the grenade - a person can also receive injuries from objects being ejected out of the kill zone at high speeds as a result of a plasma grenade detonating.


The ability of the T-1 plasma grenade to stick to its target is extremely useful when encountering moving targets that could easily evade other explosive devices. This adhesive property allows the plasma grenade to function as both an anti-infantry and anti-vehicle weapon, where a stuck grenade can take down light vehicles and cause moderate damage to heavier ones. The explosive damage the plasma grenade releases is also effective at destroying objects not sensitive to the heat released by one, and can also serve as an effective support weapon as well. Plasma grenades are also effective at disrupting electronics and shielding when they detonate. The plasma grenade is known to be used by the lesser races of the Covenant as an effective suicidal weapon, a tactic most commonly used by mortally wounded or psychologically unstable Unggoy who will attach primed grenades to their bodies before hurling themselves at their enemies. Against UNSC forces the plasma grenade is an effective psychological weapon due to the various consequences the grenade brings to anyone in its path. Its destructive properties can also leave terrible psychological effects on a person who has witnessed one detonate on a fellow soldier and seeing the destructive damage it has done.


The plasma grenade has a three-second fuse that the human equivalent lacks. Therefore, if the plasma grenade does not stick it to the target, the target will have ample time to evade the explosion. Sticking a plasma grenade to enemy infantry can be a gamble, as the target stuck with the grenade will have three seconds to chase down the opposite opponent and kill them as well.


Changes between Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2

-The color of the grenade itself changed from a light blue to a dark blue.
-The explosive effects of the grenade are more detailed.
-The explosion sound effect for the grenade is different and now has more of a subtle hint of a natural explosion.
-The Forerunner glyph on the grenade is different.
-The grenade's fuse timer has been reduced.
-The grenade no longer has an EMP effect.

Changes between Halo 2 and Halo 3 and Halo 3: ODST

-The color of the gas and explosion are now dark blue and the grenade's explosive effect is much brighter and more detailed.
-The model for the plasma grenade is now much more detailed and the Forerunner glyph is different.
-The grenade now emits a high pitched noise when sticking and preparing to detonate.
-Will sometimes stick to a wall.
-The fuse timer has been reduced by about one second.

Changes between Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST and Halo: Reach

-The holographic Forerunner glyph on the casing is different.
-The grenade is more detailed, featuring four triangular red "buttons".
-The Plasma grenade, like most Covenant weapons in Halo: Reach, now has a scale pattern on it.

Changes between Halo: Reach and Halo 4

-The blast radius is now smaller, making it harder to get a kill when the grenade doesn't stick an enemy.
-The color of the grenade has been changed to a dark purple, while the lights are a bright green.
-The grenade has a simpler design, with the Covenant glyphs noticeably absent.

Changes between Halo 4 and Halo 5: Guardians

-The lights on the grenade are now blue instead of green.
-The fuse is slightly longer.
-Although the blast radius remains small, a blinding effect is inflicted on players at the edge of the explosion.
-Dropped plasma grenades laying on the ground will explode when shot.

Changes from Halo Wars 2

-The Plasma Grenade emit red colors.
-The Plasma Grenade deals less damage.

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