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Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: PlanetsEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Laecor
Region: Outer Rim Territories
Class: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Breathable
Primary terrain: Rocky
Points of interest: Crimson Dawn base, A village

Description: Laecor was a terrestrial astronomical object situated in the Outer Rim Territories. It was home to a village whose residents had been sympathetic to the Jedi Order. During the Imperial Era, Laecor had a presence of the Galactic Empire, as well as a hidden base of the Crimson Dawn criminal syndicate. As part of his quest to destroy Crimson Dawn, the Sith Lord Darth Vader and a team he had assembled traveled to Laecor, discovering a group of Imperial stormtroopers were in league with the syndicate and subsequently locating the Crimson Dawn base.

Places of Interest
Crimson Dawn base
A secret base of the Crimson Dawn criminal syndicate was situated within foothills on the Outer Rim astronomical object Laecor during the Imperial Era. The Sith Lord Darth Vader led a crew in an attack on the base as part of his quest against Crimson Dawn. After locating and entering the base, Vader discovered Crimson Dawn records that indicated the extent of the syndicate's infiltration into Imperial bureaucracy.

Unidentified village
A village was situated on Laecor in the Outer Rim. It was home to a group of locals who had long been sympathizers of the Jedi Order. During the Imperial Era, forces of the Crimson Dawn criminal syndicate from a nearby base attacked the village, having been allowed to do so by the local Galactic Empire forces who also supported the syndicate.

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