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Section of Site: Vehicles D6Belongs to Faction: Confederacy of Independent SystemsSubtype: DROIDSEra: Old RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: Baktoid Armor Workshop OG-9 homing spider droid
Manufacturer: Baktoid Armor Workshop
Class: Battle droid
Degree: Fourth-degree droid
Height: 7.32 meters
Scale: Walker
Skill: Ground Vehicles 6D, Vehicle Blasters 5D, Search 4D
Crew: N/A
Cargo Capacity: 0kg
Cost: 70,000 credits
Cover: N/A
Manoeuvrability: 1D
Move: 30, 90 kmh
Body Strength: 4D
         Top-mounted laser emplacement (1)
                 Fire Arc: Front
                 Scale: Speeder
                 Skill: Vehicle Blasters
                 Fire Control: 2D
                 Range: 50-300/500/1km
                 Damage: 5D
         Bottom-mounted laser cannon (1)
                 Fire Arc: Front
                 Scale: Walker
                 Skill: Vehicle Blasters
                 Fire Control: 2D
                 Range: 50-500/1km/2km
                 Damage: 5D

Description: The OG-9 homing spider droid, also known as the spider droid, was a model of large, four-legged battle droid manufactured by Baktoid Armor Workshop. They were used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars, and saw use at the First Battle of Geonosis, Battle of Mimban, and Battle of Felucia.

A menacing, tank-like, and gigantic walker utilized by the Commerce Guild and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the OG-9 homing spider droid was the heavy tank variety of spider droid, while the DSD1 dwarf spider droid was an antipersonnel variety. Both were manufactured by Baktoid Armor Workshop, and the homing spider droid consisted of a spherical body suspended between four mechanical legs. A powerful reactor was at the heart of the central body, and this center armored reactor core also contained a red photoreceptor optical array and two comlink antennae.

The OG-9 homing spider droid, or referred to simply as the spider droid, moved slowly on its long mechanical legs. The legs contained heavy-duty joints, were armored to hide the inner hydraulics, and could straighten to raise the core. On the bottom of each leg was an all-terrain footpad, and at the top were the leg-piston drivers.

This battle droid also contained long legs that maintained an imposing mix of speed and destructive power; the droid was armed with dish-shaped laser cannons in the form of a top-mounted long-range laser emplacement for attack. This laser cannon targeted for deflector shields to release sustained-fire shots to quickly wear down a shield. The homing spider droid also possessed a bottom-mounted, short-range laser cannon for defense against ground attacks. This rotating laser targeted infantry to keep them at bay.

Before the Clone Wars to the Battle of Geonosis
Before the Clone Wars, the Commerce Guild, which comprised several notable corporations in the galaxy, used the OG-9 homing spider droid for contract enforcement and against its adversaries such as delinquent creditors. However, shortly before the start of the Clone Wars, the Commence Guild joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and the homing spider droid became part their Droid Army, which included the battle droids of groups like the Guild, Trade Federation, and Techno Union.

Not long after the Commerce Guild joined the Separatists, the first battle of the Clone Wars, the First Battle of Geonosis, began. 7,500 homing spider droids were used to devastating effect by Separatist forces. During the battle, the tank-like spider droids of the Separatists brought up the rear of the droid forces when combating ground forces of the Grand Army of the Republic. Homing spider droids attacked All Terrain Tactical Enforcers and clone trooper formations on the battlefield, but the droid forces would ultimately retreat, and the Battle of Geonosis proved to be a Republic victory.

Continued conflict
The homing spider droids were used throughout the Clone Wars. At one point, a large number of B1-series battle droids, which were the main infantry soldiers of the Separatists, and at least three homing spider droids were all located together near dark mountains. During the Battle of Mimban, homing spider droids were among Separatist forces fighting against the Republic. During the fighting, spider droids and other battle droids engaged the Republic's 501st Legion and Mud Jumpers. Clone Captain "Rex" ordered the 501st to advance and for the Mud Jumpers to back up Jedi General Laan Tik. While Tik instead believed they could take care of themself, the Jedi was struck and killed, making the chain of command fall to Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks, who had been brought to interface with the local Mimbanese. Binks was at Tik's corpse, telling the body that Tik had been bombad, as a homing spider droid fired nearby. Rex ordered for a retreat from the current battle.

In 19 BBY, several homing spider droids were fielded on Felucia alongside Armored Assault Tanks during a battle against the forces of Jedi General Aayla Secura. However, the droid forces of the Separatists would be shut down not long after.

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