Name: Guanta
Homeworld: Kashyyyk
Species: Wookiee
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Gray
Move: 11
Blaster: 3D
Blaster; Long Rifle: 6D
Bowcaster: 5D+2
Brawling Parry: 5D+2
Dodge: 5D
Melee Combat: 4D+2
Melee Parry: 4D+2
Search: 4D
Sneak: 3D+2
Intimidation: 4D+1
Languages: 2D+2
Survival: 5D
Brawling: 6D
Beast Riding: 4D
Repulsorlift Operation: 4D+2
First Aid: 3D
Beserker Rage: Guanta gains +2D to strength when brawling in beserker rage.
Climbing Claws: +2D to climbing.
Bowcaster (5D Damage)
Description: Guanta was a male Wookiee warrior who lived on the planet Kashyyyk during the Clone Wars. By 19 BBY, Guanta was a seasoned and skilled combatant and an elder in his community. He was broad-shouldered, brawny, and covered in brown fur that he bound into knots about his chin. His teeth were yellowed and not all present. At the end of the Clone Wars, Guanta answered a call for warriors put out by the Wookiee captain Merumeru. As Confederate battle droids stormed the beach near the city of Kachirho, Guanta stood behind Merumeru and alongside other warriors as they defended the city during the battle of Kachirho. In the Shyriiwook language, the suffix -anta in Guanta's name meant "judge" and "leader."
Guanta was a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk who had become an elder in his culture by 19 BBY. That year, as the Clone Wars raged throughout the galaxy, a force of battle droids from the Confederacy of Independent Systems attacked Guanta's homeworld. A rival force of clone troopers from the Galactic Republic, under the leadership of Jedi Master Yoda, arrived on Kashyyyk to help the Wookiees resist the invasion. As the Separatist forces neared the beachfront of the city of Kachirho, the Wookiee captain Merumeru issued a clarion call for soldiers to defend the settlement. Guanta was among the many volunteers who answered the summons.
As the assemblage waited behind a set of revetments for the droid army to draw near and for Merumeru to issue the call to attack, Guanta was in the front row immediately behind the leader. As the droids approached, the Wookiee leader stood atop the barricades and roared for his comrades to charge into battle; Guanta and the others then rushed to meet their opponents in combat. The combined force of Wookiees and clone troopers bested the Separatist war machine and won the battle of Kachirho. Nevertheless, the Galactic Republic gave way to the Galactic Empire soon thereafter. In the aftermath, the Wookiees of Kashyyyk were enslaved into Imperial work camps.
Personality and traits
By the end of the Clone Wars, Guanta was a seasoned warrior, skilled in battle. The suffix -anta in his name meant "judge" and "leader" in his native language, Shyriiwook. When his fellow Wookiee Merumeru sounded the call for volunteer soldiers, Guanta became a loyal member of the captain's volunteer army. At the time he fought in the Battle of Kachirho, Guanta had a stocky, well-muscled build that afforded him the ability to pull arms out of their sockets. His brown fur was streaked with blond, especially in the area around his face and head. The Wookiee bound his chin and neck fur into six ponytails with black bands. His skin was dark brown in color. An aged specimen of his species, Guanta's teeth had yellowed by the time of the Clone Wars. He was missing his top right incisor, and he had a gap between his two bottom front teeth. Guanta was right-handed.