Name: PO1. Norm "Hoot" Gibson
Enlisted Navy SEAL Scout 8 (E-6)
Init: +9 (+6 Class, +3 Dex)
Defense: 18 (+3 Class, +3 Dex, +2 Natural Armor)
Speed: 40 ft
WP: 14
VP: 61
Attack: +8 melee, +9 ranged
SQ: Bushmaster (Desert Training, Run, Stealthy), Hunter (keen senses), Macro-Specialty (+3 to Profession (Military) and Swim, +3 to Demolitions and Move Silently), Sneak Attack +2d6, Stalker, Trailblazer
SV: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +3
Abilities: Str: 14, Dex: 17, Con: 14, Int: 14, Wis: 12, Chr: 10
Skills: Balance +8, Climb +10 (19-20), Concentration +10, Demolitions +6, Driver +5, First Aid +3, Gather Information +1, Handle Animal +3 (19-20), Hide +16 (19-20), Jump +8, Listen +5, Move Silently +18 (19-20), Profession (Military) +5, Search +11, Spot +11, Survival +16 (19-20), Swim +7 (19-20)
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium, heavy), Athletic, Desert Training, Increased Speed, Outdoorsman, Perfect Stance, Point Blank Shot, Run, Stealthy, Weapon Group Proficiency (handgun, hurled, melee, rifle)Attacks
Colt CAR-15 +9 4d4
FN P90 +8 1d10+1
Unarmed +8 1d3+1
Gear: SG Team Bundle, other bundles as needed (by mission).
U.S. Navy SEAL Petty Officer First Class Norm Gibson was born in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
He originally joined the armed forces, as he believed he was strong and capable enough to succeed at their highest level.
He went through the Navy SEAL Training Camp at Camp Atterbury. Atterbury features state of the art firing ranges, and the SEALs use those ranges for sniper training.
After completing training he was assigned to a West Coast SEAL Team based in San Diego, California, where he served for sometime. He was then transferred to the SGC.
He is a skilled soldier with a Colt CAR-15 or the SGC standard issue FN P90.