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Section of Site: Creatures D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: CreaturesEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Monnok
Designation: Sentient
Skin color: Red and yellow
Eye color: Black
Homeworld: Socorro

Dexterity: 2D
Perception: 3D
Strength: 4D

Special Abilities
         Weapons: Monnoks often use daggers or spears in combat, being capable of primitive tool creation and use, these weapons typically do Str+1D damage.
         Excellent Hunters Monnoks are excellent hunters, gaining a +2D to any hunting related rolls such as Survival or Search.

Move: 10

Description: Monnoks were a sentient biped species that were feared by many, including the desert nomads of Socorro. Although they looked primitive, they used spears, and were excellent hunters on their homeworld Socorro. Their appearance was used for one of the holographic pieces in the game dejarik, which had red and yellow skin, black eyes, and carried a staff.

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18/Apr/2022 04:27:02 Posted by GMOverkill

Here is a species you could make full Species Stats for. It would be an interesting species.
What do you say about it?
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Stats by FreddyB, Descriptive Text from WookieePedia.
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