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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Garindan ezz Zavor
Homeworld: Kubindi
Species: Kubaz
Gender: Male
Height: 1.85 meters
Mass: 82 kilograms

        Blaster 3D+2
        Dodge 4D+2
        Alien Races 4D
        Languages 5D
        Streetwise 5D+2
        Con 5D
        Hide 5D
        Search 6D
        Sneak 7D
        Brawling 3D
        Climbing/Jumping 4D
        Repulsorlift Operation 3D+1
        Computer Programming 3D+2
        Security 4D

Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 2
Dark Side Points: 1
Character Points: 8
Move: 10

Equipment: Comlink, blaster pistol (4D), hold-out blaster (3D), Street Clothes, Face Mask with Goggles

Background: Garindan, also called Long-Snoot, was a Kubaz who was considered to be the "greatest spy in Mos Eisley spaceport."

With his face hidden beneath his dark hood, goggles and insect-eating snout, few on Tatooine knew his origins. Many believed that he was wildly wealthy, though his vast amounts of credits were only seen when he paid for information. He was seen carrying the Model 434 blaster pistol, popular among bounty hunters and mercenaries.

Garindan's information was priceless, and his skills went to the highest bidder, whether it be to Jabba the Hutt (who was wary of Garindan finding out too much about Jabba's business transactions) or to the Imperials. Garindan was apparently capable of finding out a wide variety of information, as evidenced when he gave the possible whereabouts to Jabba concerning the fabled Yavin Vassilika.

Around 0 BBY, Garindan visited Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina, where he observed a shootout between Rff Huff and Purong.

Just prior to the Battle of Yavin, he was hired by the local Imperial prefect to find two missing droids. Once he discovered them, he followed the droids and their new owner to Docking Bay 94 and called in a squad of Imperial stormtroopers to attack. Despite this, the droids were able to escape, in part due to the help of stormtrooper Davin Felth's betrayal when he shot his commanding officer in the back.

Afterward, Garindan met with the Ketton spy Derrida and conferred. The meeting was witnessed by Meyser Kayson's son, who reported it to the Rebel Alliance.

Garindan later was interrogated by the Rebellion to discover the location of his cousin, Udin. He also discovered that Luke Skywalker had sold a landspeeder in Mos Eisley, helping Darth Vader to confirm the origins and identity of the Death Star's destroyer. After the battle of Yavin Garindan went to Hoth. He had heard there where jedi hunters hunting a jedi. Garindan was paid by pirates to find the location of the jedi. Garindan killed the crew of pirates and gave the information to the jedi hunters.

Personality and traits
Garindan's eyes were hidden beneath dark goggles, as they were extremely sensitive to the harsh sunlight of Tatooine. His name translated to "Blessed One," "Burnt wood," "dust from a windstorm," "ugly," and "toast" in five different languages.

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