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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Nebit
Homeworld: Tatooine
Died: 0 BBY, Tatooine
Species: Jawa
Gender: Male
Eye color: Yellow
Move: 10

Dexterity: 2D+2
           Brawling Parry: 4D
           Dodge: 4D+1
           Blaster: 4D+2
Perception: 3D
           Bargain: 6D
           Command; Jawa: 5D+2
           Persuasion: 5D
           Search: 5D+1
           Sneak: 4D+2
Knowledge: 3D
           Streetwise: 6D
           Survival: 5D
           Tactics; Jawa: 5D
Strength: 2D+1
           Brawling: 4D
           Stamina: 3D+2
Mechanical: 2D
           Ground Vehicle Operation: 5D+1
Technical: 3D
           Droid Programming/Repair: 4D+1
           Ground Vehicle Repair: 5D
           Security: 4D

Special Abilities:
        Technical Aptitude: At the time of character creation only, Jawa characters receive 2D for every 1D they place in repair-orientated Technical skills.

Story Factors:
        Trade Language: Jawas have developed a very flexible trade language which is virtually unintelligible to other species when the Jawas want it to be unintelligible.

Equipment: Jawa Ion Gun (3D+2 Ion Damage), Robes, 3,500 Credits,

Force Sensitive: No
Force Points: 2
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 5

Description: Nebit was a Jawa Chief. He was his tribe's main negotiator, and a leader responsible for organizing raids on rival tribes.

Nebit's tribe captured droids for trading, and his sandcrawler boasted a large stock of varied makes and models at the time they carried the droids C-3PO and R2-D2, who were fugitives from the Empire. His tribe sold the droid counterparts to Owen Lars, the uncle of Luke Skywalker, future Rebel Alliance hero and Jedi Knight. While negotiating with Lars, Nebit adopted a Jawa "business dialect".

Nebit and his tribe later suffered the destruction dealt out on his sandcrawler by Imperial sandtroopers, when the fugitives C-3PO and R2-D2 were traced there. Most of Nebit's tribe were murdered in this event. Nebit died with them.

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