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Section of Site: Creatures D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: CreaturesEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Sand Whale
Skin color: Gray (carcass)
Distinctions: Huge size

Dexterity: 1D+1
Perception: 1D+2
Strength: 2D

Special Abilities
         Sand Movement: Sand Whales live in the deserts of Tatooine, and survive the many hostile creatures there by living deep within the sands of the deserts. They have evolved to swim through the sands at great speed, going deep underground to avoid being attacked. However they are now hunted, and their meat harvested by sentient creatures using technology.
         Enormous Size: Sand Whales are massive creatures, capable of shrugging off large amounts of damage due to their size along, as well as being capable of squashing opponents with their sheer bulk. They are considered to be Starfighter Scale in combat, and can therefore smash small speeders or character scale opponents using their strength alone.

Move: 25
Size: 60m long
Orneriness: 2D

Description: Sand whales[3] were huge creatures[2] with flat bodies, a tail, and five large wing-like fins on each flank.[1] In 9 BBY,[4] the gray carcass of a sand whale was partially submerged in the desert of the planet Tatooine.[1] A sand whaling station[2] called Tibidon Station[5] was established to harvest the meat from the carcass, with foreman Groff Ditcher overseeing workers like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Padu Cherd as they cut up the meat.[1]

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