Verdant Spaceworks Fleet Carrier
The SAR-128 Fleet Carrier is a very impressive ship, especialy for one
it's size. It carries five squadrons of starfighters plus shuttles,
assault transports, and landing craft. The ship measures out at only
about half a kilometer but carries a staggering arsenal, capable of
bloodying the nose of anyone who gets too close. A turreted heavy
turbolaser battery can give a solid punch in any direction as can the
two front end batteries. Six turbolasers and four heavy alser cannons
are spread evenly across the sides giving a solid fire pattern against
enemy ships approaching. The really staggeriing part though, comes from
thrity concussion missile, and seventy-two proton torpedo launchers
spread out across the ship. The missiles are set along the sides for
broadsiding enemy vessels while the torpedoes are set forward for head
on assault. The first of these ships, the Saratoga was actualy bult to
be a major part of the Verdant Security Force. The Saratoga has become
famous as has it's crew and the fighter squadrons housed on it.
Ship: Verdant Spaceworks SAR-128 Fleet Carrier
Type: Fleet carrier
Scale: Capital
Length: 525 meters
Skill: Capital ship piloting: fleet carrier
Crew: 6,854; gunners: 110; skeleton: 724/+15
Crew Skill: Astrogation 4D, capital ship gunnery 4D+2, capital ship
piloting 5D+1, capital ship shields 4D+1, sensors 4D
Passengers: 900 (troops)
Consumables: 2 years
Cargo Capacity: 20,000 metric tons
Cost: 7.6 million (new)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x16
Nav Computer: Yes
Space: 6
Maneuverability: 1D
Hull: 6D
Shields: 3D
Passive: 50/1D
Scan: 75/3D
Search: 150/4D
Focus: 5/4D+2
Heavy Turbolaser Battery
Fire Arc: Turret
Crew: 2
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 0D
Space Range: 5-20/40/60
Atmosphere Range: 10-20/80/120 km
Damage: 10D
2 Turbolaser Batteries
Fire Arc: Front
Crew: 2
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 1D
Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere Range: 6-30/70/150 km
Damage: 7D
6 Turbolasers
Fire Arc: 3 left, 3 right
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 4D
Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere Range: 6-30/70/150km
Damage: 5D
4 Heavy Laser Cannons
Fire Arc: 2 Left, 2 right
Scale: starfighter
Crew: 1
Skill: Starship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space/Orbit Range: 1-5/12/25, 2-10/24/50 km
Damage: 6D
30 Concussion Missile Launchers
Fire Arc: 15 left, 15 right
Crew: 2
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 2-12/30/60
Atmosphere Range: 4-24/60/120km
Damage: 9D
72 Concussion Missile Launchers
Fire Arc: Front
Crew: 4
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 3-10/15/35
Atmosphere Range: 6-20/30/70 km
Damage: 10D
Starfighter Complement: 5 Squadrons