Name: Nanta
Homeworld: Endor
Died: 4 ABY
Species: Ewok
Gender: Male
Hair color: Gray
Move: 7
Dexterity 3D
Bows: 4D
Brawling Parry: 4D+1
Dodge: 4D+1
Melee Combat: 4D+2
Melee Parry: 4D+2
Thrown Weapon: 3D+2
Perception 2D
Bargain: 3D+2
Hide: 3D+1
Search: 4D
Sneak: 4D+1
Knowledge 2D
Languages: 2D+2
Survival: 4D
Strength 3D
Brawling: 4D+2
Climbing/Jumping: 4D
Mechanical 2D+2
Beast Riding: 4D
Glider: 3D+1
Technical 2D
First Aid: 3D+1
Primitive Construction: 4D+2
Special Skills:
Dexterity Skills:
Thrown Weapons: bow, rocks, slings to use: one round. The character may take the base skill and/or any of the specializations.
Mechanical Skills:
Glider: Time to use: one round. The ability to pilot gliders.
Technical Skills:
Primitive Construction: Time to use: one hour for gliders and rope bridges; several hours for small structures, catapults and similar constructs. This is the ability to build structures out of wood, vines and other natural materials with only primitive tools. This skill is good for building study houses, vine bridges and rock-hurling catapults (2D, speeder-scale damage).
Special Abilities:
Skill Bonus: At the time the character is created only, the character gets 2D for every 1D placed in the hide, search and sneak skills.
Skill Limits: Beginning characters may not place any skill dice in any vehicle (other than glider) or starship operations or repair skills.
Smell: Ewoks have a highly developed sense of smell, getting a + 1D to their search skill when tracking by scent. This ability may not be improved.
Story Factors:
Protectiveness: Most human adults will feel unusually protective of Ewoks. Because of this, humans can also be very condescending to Ewoks. Ewoks, however, are mature and inquisitive โ and unusually tolerant of the human attitude.
Equipment: Spear (STR+1D), Leather backpack, Club (Str+1D)
Force Sensitive: No
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 2
Description: Nanta was a male Ewok native to the forest moon of Endor who fought against the Imperial forces who were occupying the moon during the Battle of Endor. He was shot and killed by a laser blast from an AT-ST. Romba, who had been fighting the Imperials alongside Nanta, stayed behind and wept over his fallen comrade.