Name: Brentaal IV
Region: Core Worlds
Sector: Bormea sector
System: Brentaal System
Moons: At least 1
Grid square: L-9
Trade routes: Hydian Way, Perlemian Trade Route
Class: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Breathable
Primary terrain: Rocky
Points of interest: Republic Futures Program
Immigrated species: Human, Herglic
Description: Brentaal IV, also referred to simply as Brentaal, was a terrestrial planet located in the the galaxy's Core Worlds, on both the Hydian Way and the Perlemian Trade Route.
A planet in the Core Worlds region of the galaxy, Brentaal IV was located at the confluence of the Hydian Way and the Perlemian Trade Route, positioned at the coordinates L-9 on the Standard Galactic Grid.
Brentaal IV had a rocky surface and an atmosphere that was breathable to humans. At least one moon could be seen in its sky.
The pirate Q'anah and her father were natives of Brentaal IV, and Q'anah's father served House Cormond as a bodyguard until he was given a lucrative offer by House Elegin of the planet Asmeru to work for them instead.
The planet was the site of the Republic Futures Program training facility, where Galen Erso met and befriended Orson Krennic in 36 BBY.
The Nuxan informant Bodo Linx had a contact, Qensog, on Brentaal IV, who he believed could help reconnect the fragmented Rebel Alliance after the Assault on the Mako-Ta Space Docks giving Leia Organa the contact's details. The rebels later met with Qensog, and he gave them the locations of both Admiral Ackbar's Home One and Hera Syndulla's Geist.
Points of Interest
Republic Futures Program
The Republic Futures Program was an educational program established by the Galactic Republic for the purpose of identifying the most promising youth and nurturing their intellect. It had local branches, including a facility on Brentaal IV, and another in the Rocantor sector. Astrophysics and energy generation and enhancement, among others, were some of the specialities offered at the program's institute on Coruscant. Notable alumni of the program included Dagio Belcoze, Galen Erso, Orson Krennic, Reeva Demesne, Kelad, and Uyohn.