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Comments made about this Article!

03/Feb/2009 17:01:43 Posted by HellStormer1 {}

*reads to self again* Ya know, sometimes, I humble myself with what people can do when they're bored, lol!

03/Feb/2009 23:04:31 Posted by FreddyB

lol, you think you've got it bad, I end up rewriting the backend code for the site because something niggles me. The CMS system behind the site has been redone at least 5 times since June, sometimes only slightly, sometimes almost completely for faults that no-one else notices, but bother me. :)

04/Feb/2009 03:09:08 Posted by Godogma {}

[Quote]Extended Ejector Shroud: (NOTE!: I may have the name of this one wrong. Comment and check for me, anyone???) This is a modification to the end of a weapon's barrel, allowing gasses to be diverted in different directions than directly behind the bullet as it leaves the barrel. This allows greater control of the weapon, especially in higher caliber firearms. +1 pip Fire Control. [End Quote]

Is a Flash Hider/Suppressor...An extended ejector shroud modifies the direction in which spent casings are ejected from the weapon.

Other than that this is decent work, although you need to establish what you believe to be 'standard' ammunition, which isn't stated in your document. Also, all rifles have stocks, some of which are removable or collapsible - that section needs work.

A lot of the modifications section really doesn't make a whole lot of sense (although if you haven't had a lot of experience with firearms that's probably less notice-able).

Also, your ideas of damage are way off base in most cases, the 5.7mm PDW round was designed to pierce armor and does the equivalent of a 9mm (or less) based on load for instance. Scaled down to match NPC stats or not, that section needs some serious consideration. This isn't a huge crack on the author, just constructive criticism - I grew up with firearms and am an aficionado so I know immense amounts of gun trivia to base my point of reference on.

A good place to look for a better reference set for your damage ratings is D6 Adventure or perhaps the D6 Space Opera PDF, or Kanawa Personal Weapons (Which is really a hit or miss document, and doesn't make much sense in particular either).

Rifle Ammunition is sold in 20 round boxes, Pistol Ammunition in 50 round boxes, and Shotgun Ammunition in 10 round boxes - you got pistols and rifles flipped.

I've never agreed with the original idea of WEG that firearms worked less effectively against Storm Trooper and other armor types seeing as how its canon (extended canon if you bring Lucas' words about the books into effect) that entire resistances have been fought against the Empire with 20-21st century weapons.

Overall, an excellent attempt at rectifying a grave error in the D6 Star Wars system - with a little polish it could be much better.

Just my bit of constructive criticism,

04/Feb/2009 03:25:07 Posted by Godogma {}

Also, another niggling point - what type of 7.62mm ammunition did you stat as causing 6D? There are many different types:

7.62x39mm - used in the SKS, AK-47, AKM and RPK light machineguns to name a few.

7.62x51mm - the military designation of the .308 Winchester(7.62mm NATO).

7.62x54mmR - the Russian Rimmed ammunition you have noted at 5D+2 damage.

7.62x63mm - the military designation of the .30-06 rifle.

7.62x33mm - the .30 Caliber M1 Carbine round.

And the largest 7.62x67 - aka .300 Winchester Magnum.

05/Feb/2009 16:58:43 Posted by HelStormer1 {}

Thanks, GoDogma. I knew it wasn't perfect. Most of what you've pointed out I ripped from another RPG source and converted, so I'm not the only one whop flawed their research, lol!!! I'll look into those as time allows. Was planning on updates for this one anyways.

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