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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: EQUIPMENTEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Imperial N-S9 Starpath Unit
Value: At least 40,000 credits
Size: Hand-held
Range: 9 radial parsecs
Other markings: Imperial seal
Purpose: Tracking Imperial coordinates
Type: Datapad
Scale: Character
Availability: 4, X
Game Notes: Uses proprietary Imperial signals and frequencies to coordinate and map the relation of a starship to every Imperial asset, whether it was an installation or a vessel, for nine radial parsecs. In use, this gives an automatically successful Sensors detection for all Imperial Assets within 4 Parsecs allowing easy avoidance of ships and installations. The Empire changes its codes fairly regularly, meaning that the Starpath Unit will cease to function unless the codes within are updated from Imperial Databases.

Description: The Imperial N-S9 Starpath Unit was an expensive and untraceable box-shaped piece of Imperial technology that used proprietary Imperial signals and frequencies to coordinate and map the relation of a starship to every Imperial asset, whether it was an installation or a vessel, for nine radial parsecs. One of these devices, with Vector crystals and Imperial seal still intact, was stolen from the Steergard Naval Yard by Cassian Jeron Andor around 6 BBY. Both Bix Caleen and Luthen Rael showed interest in purchasing the box, but it was ultimately lost during a firefight between Andor, Rael, and Pre-Mor Enforcement in a warehouse on the planet Ferrix.

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