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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: WEAPONSEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Model: Corpo Blaster
Inscriptions: Serial number
Other markings: Preox-Morlana signet
Type: heavy blaster pistol
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: heavy blaster pistol
Ammo: 75
Cost: 950 (power packs: 35)
Availability: 4, R or X
Range: 3-25/40/95
Damage: 4D+2

Description: A corpo blaster was one of several types of blaster pistol used by officers of the Pre-Mor enforcement, Preox-Morlana's security branch. They had a Preox-Morlana corporate branding and serial number printed on them, and featured a detachable sight.

In 5 BBY, Syril Karn carried one such blaster while he was part of a Pre-Mor Security Inspection team attempting to find and arrest Cassian Andor while he was hiding on Ferrix. Karn's blaster was stolen by Andor, who carried the weapon for a time. During the preparation for a mission on Aldhani, Arvel Skeen became suspicious of Andor after seeing the corporate-issue blaster and questioned Andor as to whom it belonged to. After the mission, Andor stashed the weapon away in a hidden box on Niamos, where it was left after he was arrested and detained in the Narkina 5 Imperial Prison Complex. When Andor later returned to the planet with Ruescott Melshi after their escape from Narkina 5, he retrieved the box and handed the blaster off to Melshi before the two parted ways.

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