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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: WEAPONSEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Utapaun Monk Cudgel
Type: Melee weapon
Scale: Character
Skill: Melee combat: Monk Cudgel
Cost: 1600 credits
Availability: 2, F
Difficulty: Easy
Damage: STR+1D

Description: Utapaun monk cudgels were a type of bronze-colored, spiked weapon from the planet Utapau. In 5 BBY, Luthen Rael had one displayed in his gallery, Galactic Antiquities and Objects of Interest, on the planet Coruscant. He showed the weapon to Senator Mon Mothma as a potential gift for her husband, Perrin Fertha, explaining that the cudgel was a real treasure to aficionados; however, she turned it down.

Utapaun monk cudgels were a type of bronze-colored melee weapon from Utapau, a planet that was homeworld of the Utai and Pau'an species. The barrel of the cudgels had spikes on two sides and ended in a pyramidal head, while the handle had a ribbed portion at the top and series of inset opalescent squares lower down.

By 5 BBY, ceremonial versions of the cudgel could be commonly found, but authentic versions were rare enough to be considered a treasure. In that year, an authentic cudgel was displayed in a gallery on the planet Coruscant run by Luthen Rael.

When Senator Mon Mothma visited in search of a gift for her husband, Perrin Fertha, the weapon was the oldest in a group of items that Rael had put aside for her to look over. Knowing that Fertha like military artifacts, he donned gloves before handling the weapon, showing it to her first and explaining its rarity and that it had been dated to the eighth archaic settlement. Claiming that she hoped to expand her husband's taste outside of fighting implements, Mothma turned down the cudgel and so Rael took her into a backroom to show her another piece, although in reality the pair planned to discuss their partnership in opposing the Empire, the real reason for Mothma's visit.

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