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Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. Mark II EWHB-10 Medium Repeating Blaster Cannon

Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. Mark II EWHB-10 Medium Repeating Blaster Cannon

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StormElite Foreign Volunteer Soldiers

One year prior the Battle of Yavin, the StormElite was set aside by Moff Adrian
Kr?el as an Imperial military elite for ethnic Core World humans alone. Yet, when
the premise and elite status of the StormElite fell apart after the Battle of Endor,
the SE unlocked it's racial gates and accepted non-ethnic humans into the StormElite.

Most volunteer units were used to fight partisans towards the end of the Galactic
Civil War, when the true Empire was retreating backwards in attemps to defend
Coruscant from the New Republic. The foreign volunteers fought on planets with little
to sometimes no chance of survival, but died knowing they were helping a cause they

Outlaying areas that became part of the SE Foreign Volunteer organization were used
as front-line soldiers until the eventual destruction of the StormElite in +18. In
total, 23 divisions saw combat out of the foreign volunteers, most of which being
volunteer repulsor grenadier units that assisted ethnic-human SE repulsor divisions
in the Commonwealth Sector.

In reality, foreign volunteer units were second-rate fighters when compared to the
ethnic-humans of the regular StormElite. Abandoned by an Empire they swore to defend,
they were eventually killed off in large numbers either in battle, or executed as war
crimes violators at the hands of the New Republic.

Uniforms for an SE foreign volunteer soldier are very diverse, due to the vast amounts
of terrain that the foreign volunteers operated among. Typically, a field gray tunic,
trousers, helmet and pullover camouflage garment are issued to the volunteer soldier.
Collar patches differed from the regular StormElite, as Kr?el didn't think the "lesser
humans" deserved the 'SE' insignia on their tunic. The Imperial Emblem was used on
volunteer units collar patches instead.

Type: Typical StormElite Foreign Volunteer Soldier
        Blaster 4D
        Blaster: BlasTech 98k blaster rifle 4D+2
        Grenade 3D+1
        Willpower: vs. Anti-Imperial propaganda 3D+2
        Search 3D+2
        Sneak 3D+2
        Brawling 3D+2

BlasTech 98a blaster rifle (5D+2)*, three fragmentation grenades (5D/4D/3D/2D),
vibroblade (STR+3D), comlink, field helmet (+2D physical/+2 energy), stormtrooper
style utility belt with combat suspenders.

* For foreign volunteers, 98Ks arrived later on in the war to foreign units. 98As
  were used instead, because they were cheaper than the more expensive, later
  generation 98k.

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