Name: Admiral Barton Coburn
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 1.81 meters
Hair color: Gray
Eye color: Blue
Skin color: Light
Move: 10
Blaster: 5D
Dodge: 5D+1
Grenade: 3D+1
Brawling Parry: 4D+1
Vehicle Blasters: 4D+2
Command: 6D+2
Bargain: 5D
Persuasion: 5D+1
Search: 5D+1
Bureaucracy: 7D
Law Enforcement: 4D+2
Tactics: 6D+2
Willpower: 5D+2
Brawling: 4D
Astrogation: 4D+1
Communications: 6D
Capital Ship Gunnery: 5D+1
Capital Ship Piloting: 5D+2
Capital Ship Shields: 6D
Sensors: 6D
Capital Ship Repair: 4D
Capital Ship Weapon Repair: 3D+2
Computer Programming/Repair: 5D
Security: 6D
Blaster Pistol 4D, Imperial Uniform, Commlink, Code Cylinders
Description: Barton Coburn was a human male officer who held the rank of admiral in the Galactic Republic Navy. He later became a part of the Galactic Empire following the end of the war and the rise of the new regime.
In service to the Republic
A human male, Barton Coburn was a part of the Galactic Republic Navy during the Clone Wars, serving as an admiral. During the war, he served under the command of Jedi General Plo Koon.
Admiral Coburn served with distinction during the many battles he fought in the Clone Wars. Coburn was in command of the Republic task force sent to retrieve the strike team that had freed Captain Wilhuff Tarkin and Jedi Master Even Piell from the Citadel on Lola Sayu. He also commanded the operation to rescue the Togruta slaves from the Zygerrian slaving facility on Kadavo.
Under the Empire
Following the rise of the Galactic Empire in the Republic's stead, Coburn continued to serve under the new government and remained a high-ranking and respected Imperial admiral. Around 18 BBY, he joined Governor Wilhuff Tarkin at a summit at the Raven's Peak on Eriadu alongside General Hurst Romodi, Commander Orson Krennic, and Doctor Royce Hemlock. When Doctor Hemlock spoke about the Advanced Science Division's efforts on continuing the previously Kaminoan-supervised cloning projects, using decommissioned Republic clone troopers as test subjects, Coburn voiced an objection. He expressed unease with using clones as test subjects, referencing their service during the war. Tarkin reassured him that the clones had shown a concerning level of individuality and that they needed to be controlled. Coburn then posed the idea of a potential clone rebellion if they were to discover Hemlock's operations, to which Hemlock responded that some already had and that it could be dealt with.
As the summit continued, insurgents led by Saw Gerrera infiltrated the Raven's Peak and placed thermal explosives, which were detonated and destroyed much of the base. Coburn and the others were secured in the conference room as the chaos happened around them and Gerrera and the surviving forces escaped.
Personality and traits
Barton Coburn was a human male with graying hair, light skin, and blue eyes. He was a composed leader that had the trust of the men serving under him. During his service to the Empire, he remembered the clone troopers that he had served with and had praise for their bravery and skill. However, ultimately, he allowed Tarkin and Hemlock to quell his doubts about using them as test subjects in cloning experiments.
Equipment and uniform
Barton Coburn used the standard-issue gray uniform consisting of an Imperial officer's tunic, a pair of flared/normal pants, a black utility belt, and a pair of black durasteel-toed boots. As admiral, he wore a single row rank insignia plaque of 6 blue squares