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Section of Site: Races D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Player Character RacesEra: Post EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Shydopp
Designation: Sentient
Skin color: Green, Grey, Blue
Attribute Dice: 12D

DEX: 2D/4D+1
KNO: 1D/3D+1
MEC: 2D/4D
PER: 1D/4D
STR: 2D/4D+1
TEC: 2D/4D

Special Abilities:
        Horns: Shydopp have horns that curve round the sides of their faces, this provides protection to their face from impacts, making them more resistant to being knocked out in melee combat (+1D to resist physical damage, +2D to resist knockout).

Move: 10/12

Description: Shydopps were a species that inhabited the planet Morak. After the fall of the Empire, Shydopp pirates attacked shipments of rhydonium being delivered to an Imperial remnant, as well as Din Djarin and Migs Mayfeld, who were disguised as members of the remnant. The Shydopp Vorg Alsum was a prisoner of the New Republic. Another Shydopp served as a fighter pilot in Gorian Shard's crew.

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