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Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: PlanetsEra: Post EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Plazir-15
Region: Outer Rim Territories
Class: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Breathable
Primary terrain: Grass plains
Points of interest: Landing field three
Flora: Tree
Immigrated species: Bith, Human, Ishi Tib, Ithorian, Mon Calamari, Quarren, Rodian, Snivvian, Sullustan, Ugnaught, Unidentified frog-like anthropoid
Government: Elective monarchy
Major cities: Unidentified domed city

Description: Plazir-15 was a planet located in the Outer Rim Territories. During the New Republic Era, the planet was an independent world under a elective monarchy with direct democracy.

From space, Plazir-15 appeared as a lush planet with large oceans and vegetation. On the surface, the planet was covered in grasslands, rivers, and tropical forests. The atmosphere of Plazir-15 was breathable for a wide variety of humanoid species. The inhabitants of the planet primarily lived in bio-domes which contained urban and metropolitan cities. Outside of the domes were landing pads and a hyperloop system.

For the majority of its history, Plazir-15 was ruled by unelected absolute monarchs from a royal dynasty. Following the fall of the Empire, the leader of Plazir-15's royal family, the Duchess, along with her former Imperial husband, Captain Bombardier, transformed the planet's monarchy into an elective one, utilizing direct democracy as its primary form of decision and law-making. The first elections saw the Duchess and Captain Bombardier elected as co-rulers of the planet.

The act that transformed the planet into its new democratic government was the charter. The charter also stated that the planet shall be pacifistic and pluralistic.

Places of Interest
Peacekeeping zone
Landing field three was an open grass field utilized as a landing zone on the planet Plazir-15, just outside the domed city.

Landing field three
Landing field three was an open grass field utilized as a landing zone on the planet Plazir-15, just outside the domed city.

Unidentified domed city
A domed city was located in the Outer Rim Territories planet Plazir-15, where the Duchess and her husband, Captain Bombardier, resided.

Chiken was a business in the peacekeeping zone on the planet Plazir-15. Aurebesh signs that came in two different colors were used to attract potential customers.

Coo's was a bar and restaurant in the peacekeeping zone on the planet Plazir-15. An Aurebesh sign over the entrance stated the business name, next to the restaurant's slogan, "house of teppanyaki"; while another sign read "BAR". Additional signage was put up in the streets used to attract potential customers. The food there was eaten with chopsticks. When Din Djarin was chasing a rogue super battle droid, he ran through the restaurant and tackled the battle droid by jumping through a closed window, making shards of shattered glass fly everywhere.

Dance Lounge
A Dance Lounge was located in the peacekeeping zone on the planet Plazir-15. A purple holographic sign over the entrance was used to attract potential customers.

EF Mum
EF Mum was located in the peacekeeping zone on the planet Plazir-15. Aurebesh neon signage was used to attract customers.

Flaming Lizard
Flaming Lizard was an establishment in the peacekeeping zone on the planet Plazir-15. A white neon sign over the entrance, stating the business name in Aurebesh, was used to attract potential customers.

Gray Scooters
Gray Scooters was a business in the peacekeeping zone on the planet Plazir-15. A two-tiered, circular holographic written in Aurebesh was used to attract potential customers. It stated the name of the business, accompanied by the text "NEW AND USED QUALITY".

Hades Dog
Hades Dog was a raceway in the peacekeeping zone on the planet Plazir-15. White and red Aurebesh signage and holograms were used to attract potential customers. The signage read "HADES DOG" — "APOCALYPSE RACEWAY", and came in different versions: One holographic ad showed "Hades Dog" first and displayed "Apocalypse raceway" as mirror-inverted, with the word "THAN" underneath. The sign over the entrance showed "Apocalypse raceway" first, and "Hades Dog" was mirror-inverted. Another ad showed "Hades Dog" in mirror-inverted form, while the word "APOCALY" [sic] was displayed next to it in normal letters. The fourth ad merely said "apocalypse".

Jat was located in the peacekeeping zone on the planet Plazir-15. Aurebesh neon signs stating the establishment's name, were used to attract potential customers.

Joanno Cafe
Joanno Cafe was a restaurant in the peacekeeping zone on the planet Plazir-15. Aurebesh signage and holograms in various colors were used to attract customers.

Joho LJL Cassidg
Joho LJL Cassidg was located in the peacekeeping zone on the planet Plazir-15. A white neon Aurebesh sign stating the establishment's name, was used to attract potential customers.

Loading docks
The loading docks was a location on the planet Plazir-15. It was a commercial port on Plazir's seaside where ships docked and were unloaded of their cargo by a team of B2-series super battle droids reprogrammed by lord Bombardier. They were commanded by a B1-series droid foreman who personally oversaw their programming and performance. In 9 ABY, amidst a surge of droid malfunctions in the city, Bombardier and the Duchess tasked Mandalorian visitors Bo-Katan Kryze and Din Djarin with investigating the issues. Their investigation led them to the docks as the city's Ugnaught workers estimated the next malfunction to occur there, contrary to the foreman's claims that they had personally overseen their certification. Djarin began kicking the B2 workers as they filed in a line to load crates on a ship, triggering the malfunctioning B2 who shoved him and ran away, trying to escape.

Moon Cake
Moon Cake was an establishment in the peacekeeping zone on the planet Plazir-15. A white neon sign stating the business name in Aurebesh, was used to attract potential customers. The business was located next to the nightclub The Orbit.

Pew was located in the peacekeeping zone on the planet Plazir-15. A vertical Aurebesh neon sign stating the bsiness' name, which alternated between two color palettes, green and white, and all white; was used to attract potential customers.

Premium Droid Rentals
Premium Droid Rentals was a droid rental store in the peacekeeping zone on the planet Plazir-15. A neon Aurebesh sign stating the business name, was used to attract potential customers. Underneath the name, "D7X" underneath (the number 7 was written in an alternative numeral system consisting of dots and lines), while two illegible words were written over the name.

The Orbit
The Orbit was a nightclub in the peacekeeping zone on the planet Plazir-15. Neon signs written in Aurebesh were used to attract potential customers, although some of them were upside-down. According to the signage, the club offered swamp baths.

The Resistor
The Resistor was a cantina on the planet Plazir-15 exclusively for droids. As a "droid bar," it did not offer a range of drinks like those offered to organic organisms but exclusively served Nepenthé.

The staff at The Resistor gave out spark pads to advertise the establishment.

Sector 7G
Sector 7G was an area in the peacekeeping zone on the planet Plazir-15, which was observed in a local security camera monitoring room. The name of the sector was identified via an Aurebesh caption.

Shark Zone
Shark Zone was an arcade in the peacekeeping zone on the planet Plazir-15. A red and white holographic sign over the entrance stated the business' name in Aurebesh, accompanied by a picture of a shark. The name was accompanied by three words written in smaller characters, one of them being "FOOD". The word "ARCADE" was painted over the entrance.

Sword Fish Diner
Sword Fish Diner was a restaurant in the peacekeeping zone on the planet Plazir-15. A red holographic sign written in Aurebesh was used to attract customers.

Unidentified art establishment
An art establishment was located in the peacekeeping zone on Plazir-15, a planet where the citizens were known to utilize reprogrammed Imperial droids for most of the day to day operations, so that they were free to engage in art and other activities. A multi-colored Aurebesh neon sign was used to attract potential customers.

Unidentified bank (Plazir-15)
A bank was located in the peacekeeping zone on the planet Plazir-15. A white Aurebesh neon sign was used to attract potential customers.

Unidentified beverage shop
A beverage shop was located in the peacekeeping zone on the planet Plazir-15. A multi-colored neon sign over the entrance, written in Aurebesh and reading "[obscured]EFRESHMENTS" (presumably "refreshments"), was used to attract potential customers.

Unidentified inn (Plazir-15)
An inn was located in the peacekeeping zone on the planet Plazir-15. A purple Aurebesh neon sign was used to attract potential customers.

Unidentified spa
A spa was located in the peacekeeping zone on the planet Plazir-15. Aurebesh neon signs were used to attract potential customers.

Unidentified Ugnaught workshop (Plazir-15)
A droidsmith workshop operated by Ugnaughts on planet Plazir-15.

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