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Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: Old RepublicSubtype: PlanetsEra: High RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: Tenoo
Region: Outer Rim Territories
Sector: Tenoo's sector
Suns: At least 1
Moons: 2: Tenoo's big moon, Tenoo's small moon
Grid square: I-17
Atmosphere: Breathable
Terrain: Terrestrial, Surface water, River
Points of interest: An animal preserve, A giant Tenoo tree, Jedi Temple, Marlaa's junkyard, A river, Weebo's farm
Flora: Tenoo tree, Yara plant, Zeilla flower
Fauna: Bifflefly, Channelfish, Coosta mouse, Flitterpod, Gangul, Gedonian Ground Weevil, Karnis bird, Kibbin
Immigrated species: Aqualish, Chadra-Fan, Dowutin, Gigoran, Human, Ithorian, Latero, Mirialan, Pantoran, Pooba, Rodian, Sullustan, Twi'lek
Major cities: Kublop Springs

Description: Tenoo was an Outer Rim planet located in grid square I-17 of the Standard Galactic Grid. During the High Republic Era, Grand Master Yoda of the Jedi Order sent Jedi younglings Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs to the outpost temple located there.

Tenoo was home to ancient artisans who embroidered curtains for the Greylark residence on Coruscant.

Places of Interest
Kublop Springs
Kublop Springs was a town located on the Outer Rim planet Tenoo. The Jedi from the outpost temple lived nearby. The pirate Taborr Val Dorn once tried to steal fruit from the marketplace, but the Jedi Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs were able to prevent the robbery.

Marlaa's junkyard
Marlaa's junkyard was a junkyard owned by Marlaa Jinara on the planet Tenoo during the High Republic Era. The junkyard contained Marlaa's collection of self-made junk artwork, as well as her home.

Hap's Sap Tap
Hap's Sap Tap, also referred to as Hap's, was a cafe operated by Hap in Kublop Springs on the planet Tenoo. The Jedi younglings Kai Brightstar, Nubs, and Lys Solay were regular customers of the establishment.

Hap's Sap Tap was a cafe near the Kaliah Kublop statue in the town of Kublop Springs on the planet Tenoo. The establishment was operated by the Latero chef and bartender Hap. It was constructed around a big Tenoo tree. Hap took advantage of the tree roots and installed taps to collect tree sap from it. The chef served a variety of foods and beverages, including the Tenooan channelfish dumpling, Sap beverage, Fizzroot Shake, and many others.

On 232 BBY, Hap's Sap Tap was raided by the pirate Taborr Val Dorn along with his gang EB-3 and Pord. The Jedi younglings Kai Brightstar, Nubs, and Lys Solay confronted the pirates, along with the assistance of the pilot Nash Durango and her trusy small droid RJ-83. The cafe was almost wrecked when Taborr knocked down a few tree branches of a Tenoo tree above.

Kaliah Kublop statue
The Kaliah Kublop statue, also known as the founder's statue, was a statue depicting Kaliah Kublop located in Kublop Springs. Kublop was the first person to ever set foot on the forest planet Tenoo.

Kublop Springs marketplace
The Kublop Springs marketplace was a marketplace located in the town of Kublop Springs on the planet Tenoo.

Tenoo Jedi Temple
The Tenoo Jedi Temple was an outpost temple located on the planet Tenoo. The younglings Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs were sent there during the High Republic Era by Yoda.

Jedi Temple cafeteria
A cafeteria was located in the Tenoo Jedi Temple on the planet Tenoo during the High Republic Era. Jedi Initiates dined there on a variety of foods, including breads and fruits. On one occasion, the Pantoran youngling Lys Solay chased a tooka kitten through the cafeteria, knocking over the plates of fellow Initiates like the Pooba Nubs.

Jedi Temple training ground
A training ground was located in the courtyard of the Tenoo Jedi Temple.

Nubs' quarter
The personal quarter of the Pooba Jedi youngling Nubs was located in the Tenoo Jedi Temple during the High Republic Era.

Temple garden
The Temple garden was a garden located in the Tenoo Jedi Temple.

Temple Library
The Temple Library was a library utilized by the Jedi Order located in the Tenoo Jedi Temple

Tenoo animal preserve
An animal preserve was located on the planet Tenoo, just outside the town of Kublop Springs. During the High Republic Era, the young pilot Nash Durango transported a tooka kitten to the preserve.

Weebo's farm
The Rodian farmer Weebo operated a farm on the planet Tenoo during the High Republic Era. The farm had a building in the middle, a stone pathway, and was surrounded by a fence. Weebo grew jellyfruit trees there and was assisted by her grandson. In 232 BBY, the two Rodians had just finished harvesting the jellyfruit crop for Tenoo's Jellyfruit Festival when a gang of pirates led by Taborr Val Dorn flew in, stole the entire crate of fruit, and took off to sell them. Ultimately, the pilot Nash Durango and the Jedi younglings Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs were able to find the pirates and bring the jellyfruit back for the festival.

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