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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: New RepublicCanon: No

Kayle Louva

Kayleis a member of the Dark Order of the Black Phoenix. This secret group of Dark Jedi has existed scince before
Palpatine was even born. They have kept to the rimward areas for most of their existance hiding in the shadows and
staying out of reach of both the Old Republic and Palpatine's empire. The Order didn't want to be forced into servitutde
and they were very cautious about guarding their secret, keeping their numebrs down. Kayle and his counterpart Lana were
sent by Polvin Traxiv, a high ranking member of the Order, to find rogue member Gabriel Certamen. Certamen ran off to help
Jason Random in his insane bid for power and therbey risked exposing the Order. Kayle and Lana are very powerful hwoever
Kayle is more so. Kayle has the ability to use the force to aid him in fighting hand to ahnd which marks him out among the
memebrs of the Order.

Character Name: Kayle Louva
Type: Dark Warrior
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age:  28
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 175 lbs
Era: Return of the Jedi

Physical Description: Kayle is about average human male height. He has short black hair neatly combed. He wears shades
over his eyes at all time and wears black trousers, stell toed boots, shirt,and trenachcoat. His trenchcoat lays open
enoguh to show a weapons ahrness holding two firearm pistols and two submachineguns with extra clips for all of them. Also
on that harness, by his hip, sit a lgihtsaber in a special catch. When he mvoes the trnech flare around behind him giving
an ominous feel to his movements.

        Firearms 6D+1
        Dodge 8D
        Lightsaber 7D+2
MECHANICAL: 2D        
        Climbing/Jumping 6D+1
        Stamina 6D
        Jedi Martial Arts 5D

Move: 13
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Points: 4
Dark Side Points:  25
Character Points: 37
Wounded Status:

2 MP5K Submachineguns (4D+2 (semi-auto), 5D+2 (3-shot automatic bursts); 6D (5-shot burst))
2 Spare Clips
2 Quad-Magnums (5D+2; 6D+1 (burst))
2 Spare Clips
Lightsaber (5D)

AmbiDexterity: Kayle can use either hand with equal skill. He suffers no offhand penalties.

Control 7D+1
Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Healing, Concentrate, Control Pain, Enhance Attribute, Remain Concious, Remove Fatigue,
Resist Stun, Speed

Sense 6D+2
Combat Sense, Danger Sense, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Senses Force

Alter 6D+1
Telekinesis, Injure/Kill

Lightsaber Combat, Projective Telepathy, Jedi Martial Combat

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All text and stats by Dave Maloney, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
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