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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: EQUIPMENTEra: Canon:


Cost: +1/2 weapon's original cost
Weight: +1/2 weapon's original weight


   Weapons installed as Hidden Weapon Emplacements are not visible on the outside of the ship.  To be used in combat they must first be deployed from retractable compartments in the ship's hull.  Panels open and slide out of the way, followed by the weapons moving on various mechanisms to extend outwards to have clear space to fire, then begin aiming at targets chosen by the gunners.

   Concealed Weapon Emplacements can take on other forms, such as some type of "pods" that conceal the weapon(s) on the outer hull, retracting away somehow or "blowing off" the hull to reveal the weapons.  The weapons could even be kept with recesses in the hull and just not come out, which could make for interesting surprise attacks on unsuspecting foes.

   This modification does not include stealth options to conceal weapons from enemy sensor systems, and those must be purchased separately.

   While some GMs may feel the weight should be x2 the weapon's original weight, this option takes the approach that the bulk of the weapon's hardware is inside the ship's hull already, mainly in the form of various power generators, capacitors, and other components related to the weapon's power supply, connections and linkages to sensors, ship's computers, etc, as well as the amount of alteration already required to the hull to install the weapon in the first place.

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