Name: Ubrikkia
Region: Mid Rim Territories, The Slice
Grid square: Q-10
Points of interest: Ubrikkian enclave
Affiliation: Galactic Republic, Hutt Clan
Description: Ubrikkia was a Mid Rim celestial body that shared its name with several companies. During the conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Nihil marauders, the Republic Defense Coalition wrestled Ubrikkia from Hutt Cartel control. By 3 ABY, the Ubrikkian enclave that was situated at Ubrikkia numbered among the major shipyards and drydocks of the Galactic Empire.
Ubrikkia was an astronomical object located in the regions known as the Mid Rim Territories and the Slice. It was also situated in the grid square Q-10 of the Standard Galactic Grid. A hyperspace route linked Ubrikkia to the celestial bodies Haidoral Prime and Randon. Ubrikkia shared its name with the companies Ubrikkian, which operated a factory on the Core Worlds planet Corellia; Ubrikkian Industries; Ubrikkian Ord Pedrova; and Ubrikkian Transports, as well as the Ubrikkian 9,000 landspeeder model.
In 231 BBY, after the marauders known as the Nihil attacked the shipyards of the Mid Rim planet Cyclor, Galactic Republic Senator Tia Toon stressed to Republic Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh the critical importance of the attack by rhetorically inquiring whether the raiders would target Ubrikkia next. As part of the Republic's conflict against the Nihil and their Hutt Clan allies two years later, the Republic Defense Coalition recaptured Ubrikkia from Hutt control, a fact that Republic Commander Velko Jahen notified Jedi Master Elzar Mann about not long afterward.
During the reign of the Galactic Empire, the Ubrikkian enclave, located at Ubrikkia, was one of several major Imperial shipyards and drydocks. By 3 ABY, the Ubrikkian enclave was depicted on a map of the galaxy included with the Rebel Alliance collection of non-electronic documents known as The Rebel Files.
Places of Interest
Ubrikkian enclave
The Ubrikkian enclave was a major Imperial facility during the Galactic Civil War. After the start of Operation Ringbreaker, General Crix Madine of the Rebellion designated it as a high-priority target, though he also stated that its security level was unknown, on a galactic map included in The Rebel Files, a top-secret dossier of sensitive information vital to the Rebellion.