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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: New RepublicCanon: No


Nakoruru is one of the three Napanese ronin, Samurai with no master, involved in the up-coming Shogun Budokai. She is
nineteen which is the youngest age allowed in the Budokai, as it is very possible for a knockout to instead become a kill.
Nakoruru has been practicing for this in small time, more closely regulated, matches and tournaments honing her skills.
She gained a reputation for being incredibly fast and agile and unbelievably strong for a girl, especialy one so young.
She is actualy believed to be stronger than Haohmaru or Ukyo, however she is not as proficent with her Sais, as they with
their swords. She is better than either hand to hand though and is well known throughout the galaxy for her martial arts

Character Name: Nakoruru
Type: Ronin
Species: Napanese
Gender: Female
Age: 19

As of Shadows of the empire:

Physical Description: Nakoruru is short Napanese girl standing only 5'2". She has long black hair tied up with a long red
sash. She wears a loose white Gi with red trim and sash. She also has apdded leather under the gi, and over it on the
shoulders and a few other spots. She has large purple eyes and a bouncy step.

        Acrobatics 7D
        Martial Arts 7D+2
        Dodge 8D+1
        Melee Combat 6D+2
        (S)Sai 8D
        Sneak 6D
        Climbing/Jumping 8D
        Stamina 6D+1

Move: 14
Force Sensitive: No
Force Points: 2
Dark Side Points: 1
Character Points: 31
Wounded Status:

2 Sai (STR+2D)
Padded Leather Armour (+2 Physical, +1 energy)

Special abilities:
Jumping: Napanese have incredible leg strength, far surpassing normal humans giving them the ability to jump higher and
farther. They get 2D for every 1D put in Climbing/Jumping at charachter creation, and with an easy Jumping roll they may
jump 5 meters verticly.

Agilitiy: Napanese are incredibly nimble and agile. At charachter creation they gain an extra 2D skill dice to put in
either Acrobatics, Dodge, or split up between the two.

Toughness: For an unexplainable reason, Napanese are tougher than usual and can retain cocniousness and keep fighting
after a human wpould have fallen over dead. Damahe Chart is as Follows

        Damage        Effect                Penalty
        0-3                Stunned                -1D for this round and next
        0-3(again)        Stunned x2                -2D for this round and next (this is only if both stunned occur in the same round)
        4-8                Wounded                -1D
        4-8(again)  Wounded x2                -2D
        9-12                Wounded x3                -3D
        4-8*(again) Wounded x4                -4D (*:If they take a 'wounded' level again they take an icnrease of the wound level, if it's a                                                         stunned, it's just -1D extra temporarily. If it's more, see below)
        9-12*                Incapcitated        Lose conciousness for 10D rounds
        13-15                Mortaly Wounded        -5D; half move
        4-8*(again) Mortaly Wounded x2 -6D (*: see previous *)
        9-12(again) Incapcitated        See Above.
        13-15(again)Mortaly Wounded x3 -7D; 1/4 Move
        16+                Crticaly Wounded   -8D; Move is reduced to 1
        16+(again)  Dead                         Dead

Martial Arts Moves:


Description: The character is trained to use senses other then sight to locate a target
Difficulty: Very Difficult
Effect: If the character makes the required skill roll and is within striking distance of the target, he/she may ignore
the effects of blindness. He/she cannont see, but can hear or smell a target well enough to strike. This may be used as a
reaction skill.


Description: The character is trained to force an opponent to drop a weapon or object
Difficulty: Moderate
Effect: If the character's attack is successful (and is not parried or dodged) and if the skill roll meets the required
difficulty number, the target character is disarmed.

Elbow Smash

Description: The character is trained to deliver a powerful blow with his/her elbow.
Difficulty: Very Easy
Effect: The character can add +1D to his/her damage roll if the skill roll is sucessful.


Description: The character can throw a target who has grappled him/her from behind.
Difficulty: Moderate
Effect: A successful skill check indicates that the target is hurled to the ground (provided the attack is not parried or
dodged). The target suffers 3D damage. This technique may be used as a reaction skill.

Flying Kick

Description: The character is trained to leap to deliver a crushing kick.
Difficulty: Difficult
Effect: The character can add +2D to his/her damage roll if her skill roll exceeds the difficult number. Failure to beat
the difficult number indicates the charater is off-balance and her opponent may make an additional attack this round with
no multiple action penalty.

Foot Sweep

Description: The character can trip an opponent.
Difficulty: Moderate
Effect: A successful attempt indicates the target is tripped, falling to the groun.d The character must remain prone for
the remainder of the round.


Description: The character is trained to grapple and hold a target immobile.
Difficulty: Moderate plus an opposed Strength roll
Effect: The character attempting to grapple with a target must make a Moderate martial arts roll to hold his/her opponent.
For every round the target is held, the character must make a an opposed Strength roll. If the target beats his/her Strength roll he/she breaks free of the hold.

Instant Stand

Description: The character is trained to negate the effects of a fall and return to a standing, combat-ready position.
Difficulty: Moderate
Effect: If a character is tripped or knocked down, he/she may use this technique to return to a standing position.
Successful use of this technique indicates that the character can stand without suffering a multiple-action penalty.

Nerve Punch

Description: The character knows the location of nerve clusters, striking in such a way as to render a target's limb numb.
Difficulty: Very Difficult
Effect: If sucessful, the character's attack renders an oppoenents limb (arm or leg, specified prior to making the attempt)
unusable for 3D rounds. Any items held in the affected hand are dropped. If the character beats the difficult number by
15 or more, the target character is rendered unconscious.

Power Block

Description: The character is trained to parry attacks in a manner which inflicts damage.
Difficulty: Moderate
Effect: Sucessful parry inflicts STR+1D on the target. This technique is used as a reaction skill.


Description: The character is trained to turn the tables on an opponent who is attempting to grapple.
Difficulty: Opposed Strength or Brawling: martial arts roll (whichever is higher)
Effect: The character can emply this technique only when he/she is held. If he/she breaks the oppoenents grip, he/she may
in turn hold the target immobile or employ another technique. This technique may be used as a reaction skill.

Spinning Kick

Description: The character is trained to perform a powerful kick.
Difficulty: Moderate
Effect: The character can add +1D to her damage roll if his/her skill roll exceeds to the difficulty number. Failure to
beat the difficulty number indicates the character is off-balance and his/her opponent may make an addition attack this
round with no muliple action penalty.

Shoulder Throw

Description: The character can throw a target.
Difficulty: Moderate
Effect: A sccessful skill check indicates that the target is hurled to the ground (provided the attack is not parried or
dodged), suffering 3D damage.

Design Notes: Based loosely off the charachter from 'Samurai Showdown'

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