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Section of Site: Races D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Player Character RacesEra: High RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: Evereni
Designation: Sentient
Skin color: Slate-gray
Eye color: Black
Distinctions: Dark gray blood, Sharp black claws, Sharp teeth
Homeworld: Everon
Habitat: Tempest
Language: Evereni
Attribute Dice: 12D

Dex: 2D/4D
Know: 2D/3D+2
Mech: 1D/3D+2
Perc: 2D/4D
Str: 3D/5D
Tech: 1D/3D+2

Special Abilities:
         Sharp Claws and Teeth: Evereni had sharp black claws and sharp white teeth, both of which could be used to tear flesh, doing Str+1D damage in combat.
         Night Sight: The black eyes of an Evereni saw better in the dark than humans, although their eyes still took a moment to adjust to darkness. Reducing penalties for darkness by one level.

Story Factors:
         Red Hair Streaks: Red hair streaks were a sign of aging for the Evereni.
         Untrusting: After the Great Storm, as it came to be known, the Evereni tried to put trust in their institutions, but the corruption of their governments led to strife and centuries of war. Their numbers greatly reduced and their society in ruins, the species had evolved to be untrusting to the extent that they knew the exact moment when someone would betray them, realizing the exact moment when the interests of two parties changed. While there could be exceptions if an Evereni was raised in a more caring environment, it was said by the Evereni Marchion Ro that individual Evereni only trusted themselves, so not even Evereni families could work together.
          Untrusted:  After the last survivors of the Evereni left Everon around 500 BBY, they became outlaws for trying to wipe out any other sentient species they found in the galaxy, forcing them to adapt again; they learned to hide their hatred from other life-forms, becoming beings skilled at deception and lies. They developed a reputation for deception and treachery. They also avoided staying in one place and commonly left without saying any goodbyes, though they did also master how to say a goodbye should the need arise

Move: 10/12

Description: The Evereni were a sentient humanoid nomadic species, distinguished by their slate-gray skin and pitch-black eyes. They once hailed from the planet Everon before the Great Storm ravaged their homeworld, which led to centuries of wars between the Evereni people and ultimately forced the survivors to flee into the galaxy. During the High Republic Era, an Evereni male named Marchion Ro led a group of nihilistic marauders called the Nihil and posed a significant threat to the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order.

Biology and appearance
Evereni had slate-gray skin, long bones,and thick dark gray blood. The black eyes of an Evereni saw better in the dark than humans, although their eyes still took a moment to adjust to darkness. Their bodies were especially tough, but still susceptible to intense cold. Evereni had sharp black claws and sharp white teeth, both of which could be used to tear flesh. Red hair streaks were a sign of aging for the Evereni.

The Evereni put their trust in their stormy homeworld of Everon in an attempt to live in harmony with nature. The word 'Evereni' meant "caretakers" in the Evereni language. Eventually, a sudden storm known as the Great Storm, the type that only emerged every thousand years, emerged from the planet's core and wiped out their cities, making the Evereni believe they could not trust their home planet. After the Great Storm, as it came to be known, the Evereni tried to put trust in their institutions, but the corruption of their governments led to strife and centuries of war.

Their numbers greatly reduced and their society in ruins, the species had evolved to be untrusting to the extent that they knew the exact moment when someone would betray them, realizing the exact moment when the interests of two parties changed While there could be exceptions if an Evereni was raised in a more caring environment, it was said by the Evereni Marchion Ro that individual Evereni only trusted themselves, so not even Evereni families could work together. After the last survivors of the Evereni left Everon around 500 BBY, they became outlaws for trying to wipe out any other sentient species they found in the galaxy, forcing them to adapt again; they learned to hide their hatred from other life-forms, becoming beings skilled at deception and lies. They developed a reputation for deception and treachery. They also avoided staying in one place and commonly left without saying any goodbyes, though they did also master how to say a goodbye should the need arise.

Evereni in the galaxy
The Ro family of Evereni once tried to make out an existence on the planet Genetia despite the galaxy's distrust and hate for their kind. When a harvest failed, the townspeople blamed the Evereni and attacked during the night. In the ensuing struggle, the grandparents of the family and Yana Ro's sire were killed, while Marda Ro's sire gave his life to hold off the crowd to let the rest of the family escape. Young cousins Marda Ro and Yana Ro escaped with Marda Ro's mother and Yana Ro's mother, with both parents killing a Theelin family to escape the world aboard the Theelins' ship. After days of hunger and cold aboard the ship as its life-support systems failed, the Hutt Clan found and captured their craft with the intention of selling the Ros into slavery on Nar Shaddaa, only for the Path of the Open Hand cult to step in and free them. Both mothers left their children with the Path, leaving Yana and Marda to grow up in the safety of the cult's community.

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