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Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: PlanetsEra: High RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: Kindosorn
Region: Outer Rim Territories, Occlusion Zone
Suns: At least 1
Class: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Breathable
Terrain: Jungle
Points of interest: Kindosorn Republic outpost, Ruins of Tadneer
Flora: Grass, Trees
Demonym: Kindorsornian

Description: Kindosorn was a planet with jungle terrain situated in the Outer Rim. It was the site of an outpost of the Galactic Republic during the High Republic Era. When the Nihil marauders established the Stormwall barrier and claimed a region of space known as the Occlusion Zone, Kindosorn fell into the marauders' territory. After escaping the Jedi starcruiser Ataraxia when former Nihil Lourna Dee captured the starship, the Jedi OrbaLin and Goonral Monshi ended up trapped behind the Stormwall. The two Jedi came to reside on Kindosorn, but eventually came under attack from the Jedi Master Sskeer, who was in a crazed state, as well as the Nihil's Children of the Storm and the Nameless creatures.

After reclaiming the Ataraxia and breaching the Occlusion Zone, Jedi Master Keeve Trennis and Jedi Knights Ceret and Terec picked up a distress signal from Kindosorn, landing on the astronomical object with Dee in tow. The group encountered the Jedi trapped there, who informed Trennis that Sskeer was within the Ruins of Tadneer within the jungle. Trennis, taking Dee with her, went to find Sskeer in the ruin.

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