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Lieutenant Endicott (Human Imperial Officer)

Lieutenant Endicott (Human Imperial Officer)


Khadarok (Odryn Beast of Burden)

Khadarok (Odryn Beast of Burden)

Section of Site: Races D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Player Character RacesEra: High RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: Sephi
DesignationL Sentient
Classification: Humanoid
Skin color: Lavender, Peach, Purple
Hair color: Brown, White
Eye color: Green, Blue
Distinctions: Pointed ears
Homeworld: Isobe
Attribute Dice: 12D

Dex: 2D/4D
Know: 2D/3D+2
Mech: 2D/4D+1
Perc: 2D/4D
Str: 2D/3D
Tech: 2D/5D

Special Abilities:
         Pheromone Blast: Sephi are capable of emitting a pheromone that was capable of knocking other beings unconscious with the sensation of being close to death, an ability developed by their ancestors as protection against predators. They target a being within 5 meters, and perform a stun attack doing Perception+2D damage. This is a chemical based attack, so is protected from with respirators or other chemical protection gear.

Story Factors:
         Tapered Ears: Sephi have long tapered ears that can twitch, swivel and flatten in accordance with the emotional state of the subject. This lets anyone detect the mood of the Sephi with an Alien Races Moderate skill test.

Move: 10/12

Description: Sephi were a humanoid sentient species native to the planet Isobe, who boasted long life and an affinity with droids and machinery. They had long tapered ears that could twitch, swivel and flatten in accordance with the emotional state of the subject. Their skin tones included lavender and peach, and their eyes could be green or blue.
Sephi were capable of emitting a pheromone that was capable of knocking other beings unconscious with the sensation of being close to death, an ability developed by their ancestors as protection against predators.

Eira Tay, a female Sephi, worked as an engineer aboard the freighter Eclipse. The Sephi made aerial craft known as flyers.

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