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Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: Space StationEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Suria Space Station
Planet: Suria
Points of interest: Tanda's Cantina, JJ Diner, T&J Repair

Description: Suria space station was a space station that orbited the planet Suria. It was a common stop for mercenaries, assassins, and bounty hunters. It included a cantina named Tanda's Cantina, managed by a DUM-series pit droid and guarded by two Vanguard Axis droids. The station had several hangars in its equator region. In around 18 BBY, Fennec Shand was based on the space station and stored her ship, the Outcast, in one of its hangars.

Places of Interest
Buffo's Blurrg Burgers
Buffo's Blurrg Burgers was a restaurant which existed in several different locations across the galaxy: There was one in Ord Mantell City on the planet Ord Mantell, another was located on Suria space station, and a third restaurant could be found at the lunar base where Phee Genoa landed to refuel her ship. The eatery's specialty was burgers made from blurrg meat. Signs and advertisements were used to attract customers: An Aurebesh sign on a building in Ord Mantell City read "BUFFO'S BLURRG BURGERS" and "THE BEST BLURRGERS IN TOWN". An advertisement in Tanda's Cantina on Suria space station merely showed an illustration of the eatery's signature blurrgers, in the form of a blurrg between two pieces of bread. The sign in Ord Mantell City was also featured as an advertisement in a hangar on the lunar base.

JJ Diner
JJ Diner was a restaurant with multiple locations throughout the galaxy, one on the planet Serolonis, in Ord Mantell City on Ord Mantell and in Suria space station. Aurebesh advertisements were used to market it. The restaurant's logo featured a green, white, and blue color palette against a dark background and showed a set of eating utensils—a fork, a table knife, and a spoon—over the logo. The sign over the entrance of the Ord Mantell location carried the slogan "BEST AFFORDABLE DELICACIES IN THE GALAXY".JJ Diner was a restaurant with multiple locations throughout the galaxy, one on the planet Serolonis, in Ord Mantell City on Ord Mantell and in Suria space station. Aurebesh advertisements were used to market it. The restaurant's logo featured a green, white, and blue color palette against a dark background and showed a set of eating utensils—a fork, a table knife, and a spoon—over the logo. The sign over the entrance of the Ord Mantell location carried the slogan "BEST AFFORDABLE DELICACIES IN THE GALAXY".

T&J Repair
T&J Repair was a vehicle repair shop on the planet Serolonis, in Ord Mantell City on Ord Mantell, and in Suria space station. Aurebesh advertisements were used to market it. It showed the company's logo over a picture of an unknown vehicle. There was an alternate version of the ad, which only showed the vehicle, in Ord Mantell City.

Tanda's Cantina
Tanda's Cantina was a cantina located at Suria space station. The bar was tended to by a modified pit droid and was a popular and bustling corner of the space station. Although neon signs gave the cantina a warm glow, the atmosphere could be hostile. Brawls and other incidents were common, and disputes were settled by fighting or blaster fire. It was a popular site for bounty hunters and other characters to frequent, with Imperial laws frequently being ignored in the name of business.
In around 18 BBY, Phee Genoa discovered that the bounty hunter Fennec Shand could be found at the cantina and alerted Hunter and Wrecker, who traveled to the cantina to get information from Shand.

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