Name: Former Admiral Edmon Rampart (as of Bad Batch Season 3)
Died: c. 18 BBY, Weyland
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Skin color: Light
Affiliation(s): Galactic Empire, Imperial Navy's officer corps, Imperial chain code program, Project War-Mantle, Edmon Rampart's fleet
Blaster: 5D+2
Brawling Parry: 4D
Dodge: 5D+1
Grenade: 4D
Vehicle Blasters: 4D+2
Alien species: 5D
Bureaucracy: 8D+1
Planetary systems: 5D+1
Tactics: 5D+2
Intimidation: 6D+2
Languages: 4D+1
Law Enforcement: 5D+2
Survival: 4D
Willpower: 5D
Bargain: 5D+1
Command: 6D+2
Con 5D+1
Investigation: 5D+1
Search: 5D+2
Persuasion: 5D+2
Brawling 4D+1
Stamina: 4D
Astrogation: 5D
Communications: 5D+2
Capital Ship Piloting: 5D
Capital Ship Shields: 4D+2
Capital Ship Weapons: 5D+1
Sensors: 4D+2
Repulsorlift Operation: 5D+1
Space Transports: 4D+2
Starship Gunnery: 5D
Computer Programming/Repair: 4D+2
Droid Programming/Repair: 3D+2
First Aid: 4D+1
Security: 6D+1
Move: 10
Force Points: 3
Dark Side Points: 3
Character Points: 12
Stolen Imperial Uniform
Description: Edmon Rampart was a human male who held the rank of Vice Admiral in the Galactic Empire shortly after its formation from the Galactic Republic. Eagerly taking on his role in the new Empire, Rampart oversaw the implementation of chain codes as well as the enlistment of conscripted soldiers for the Imperial Army as part of Project War-Mantle. Believing that the loyalty of recruits was more valuable to the Empire than the clone troopers formerly used by the Republic, Rampart had confidence in the success of his initiative.
At Tipoca City on Kamino, Rampart presented to Governor Wilhuff Tarkin the first Elite Squad, a squad of top soldiers. Following a mission of the squad under their new commander, the clone trooper Crosshair, Tarkin placed the project in Rampart's hands. On Tarkin's orders, Rampart later oversaw the destruction of Tipoca City and the seizure of Kamino's cloning technology into Imperial control.
Following his return to Coruscant, Rampart brought forth the Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill as a means to formalize the transition from clone troopers to conscripted non-clone troopers. Rampart was later arrested by order of Grand Vizier Mas Amedda following an investigation by members of the Imperial Senate into his role in the destruction of Tipoca City despite claiming that he was following orders and was sent to the Imperial labor camp on the planet Erebus to serve his sentence in the mines. However, he was soon rescued by Clone Force 99, who sought his knowledge of the Tantiss Base's coordinates. The team was soon able to locate Tantiss Base and arrive on Weyland with Rampart, but the former Imperial was soon after captured by those he once claimed loyalty to, only for him to be freed. He sought out to retrieve data on Project Necromancer but was stopped and killed by Nala Se.
Personality and traits
A human male, Edmon Rampart had brown hair, brown eyes, and light skin. Vice Admiral Rampart eagerly took on his role in the newly-formed Galactic Empire, which aimed to instill order in the galaxy. Despite the connections he would forge with high ranking Imperial officials, including Governor Tarkin and Grand Vizier Mas Amedda, Rampart was, in truth, an unimportant cog in the Imperial machine. For all the actions he would perform in the name of the Empire, the regime was free to cast him aside should he prove to be an inconvenience. Rampart, for all his loyalty to the new regime and his orders, was also willing to break protocol in the name of protecting his own safety and career, such as when he worked to falsify an official report on Serenno.
Rampart perceived the end of the Clone Wars and the formation of the Empire as a chance for peace, claiming it would bring with it opportunity and prosperity. He saw importance in laying a strong foundation for the new Empire and believed that an increase in soldiers was necessary to maintain order and permit a strong ruling government. As such, Rampart's efforts in Project War-Mantle sought to produce loyal soldiers without the need for clones, and he was confident that his proposal would strengthen the future of the Empire. Rampart felt that the loyalty of those who willingly enlisted was more valuable than the training underwent by clone troopers, believing that with training, his forces would be unlike anything the galaxy had seen.
In the effort to expand Imperial presence and power across the galaxy, Rampart was particularly patient, cunning and opportunistic in his approach. On Ryloth, he opted to momentarily surrender against Cham Syndulla's forces in order to preserve himself until reinforcements arrived, and in doing so, allowed Imperial forces to regroup and eventually capture Syndulla and frame him for the attempted assassination of Orn Free Taa in the process. Rampart was also very pragmatic. When his Elite Squad returned from its mission having lost one trooper, Rampart saw the loss as unfortunate, but was not concerned, claiming that soldiers knew the risks associated with battle. Rampart was willing to kill Wilco and falsify an official report to protect his reputation. In his message regarding chain codes, Rampart asserted the generosity of the Empire in allowing citizens to exchange for Imperial credits. During his time in Imperial Custody on Erebus, Rampart's hair had become messy and unkept, and he had grown out a beard.
Edmon Rampart wore the uniform of an Imperial officer, including a rank insignia plaque, which displayed two blue squares followed by four red squares in a line, and four code cylinders. Rampart's position in the Imperial Navy gave him command over at least three Venator-class Star Destroyers that belonged to a larger fleet. Rampart used a RK-3 blaster to fire at Wilco.