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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Sniper CloneX4
Organization type: Clone commando variant
Headquarters: Tantiss Base, Weyland
Location(s): Coruscant
Affiliation: Galactic Empire, Clone X trooper division
Species: Human (clone)
Gender: Male
Height: 1.83 meters
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Skin color: Tan

Dexterity: 3D
         Blaster: 5D
         Blaster; Sniper Rifle: 7D
         Dodge: 5D
         Brawling Parry: 5D
         Grenade: 4D
         Melee Weapons: 5D
         Melee Parry: 5D
Knowledge: 3D
         Survival: 5D
         Tactics: 4D
Mechanical: 3D
         Repulsorlift Operation: 4D
         Space Transports: 3D+2
         Starship Gunnery: 4D
         Walker Operation: 4D
Perception: 3D
         Hide: 4D
         Search: 5D
         Sneak: 5D
Strength: 3D
         Brawling: 6D
         Climbing/Jumping: 5D
         Stamina: 4D
         Swimming: 4D
Technical: 3D
         Blaster Repair: 4D
         Demolitions: 5D
         Security: 4D

Move: 10
Force Sensitive: No
Force Points: 2
Dark Side Points: 1
Character Points: 4

         Clone Assassin Armour (+1D Physical, +1D Energy, +1D Sneak/Hide, +1D Search/Hearing Checks), Control Brace, Rangefinder (-1 Range Increment when using)
         Sniper Blaster Rifle (5D+2)
         Suicide Device (implanted in tooth)

Description: Sniper CloneX4 was a Clone X trooper who was active around the year 18 BBY. Sniper CloneX4, along with Sniper CloneX3, Sniper CloneX5, and another Clone X trooper, was activated by Dr. Hemlock to capture Clone Force 99 who had infiltrated Tantiss Base. Sniper CloneX4, along with CX-2, Sniper CloneX3, and Sniper CloneX5, encountered Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair within the ruined science hangar of Tantiss Base. The CX squad overpowered and captured the members of Clone Force 99.

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