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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: New RepublicCanon: No

The Razorbacks - Swoop Gang
Submitted to database by: Lieutenant Bronskid, Chronum Police Department

Gang Information
Area of Influence: Lower West Side of Chronum
Wanted For: Multiple counts of larceny, arson, destruction of private and public
property, murder, racketeering, illegal possession of military grade weapons,
Numbers(Estimated): 53(figure does not include any mechanics or medics bullied into service)
Demographics: All male, about 75% human, with some Rodians and Twi'leks; range from ages 20-35
Motivation: Money
Bounty offered: 200 per gang member; 500 for underbosses; 10,000 for leader

Basic Information:
This gang is reponsible for multiple crimes throughout the lower western portion
of Chronum; they seem intent upon controlling a large city area without the influence
of government forces. The areas that they maintain a strong influence(without government
interference) within are virtually ghost towns; few, if any, people live there, due to the
tendencies of the Razorbacks to plunder any homes and local businesses at whim. They spread
their influence by beginning subtly; first they merely threaten citizens into giving up money,
and use harassment tactics against police forces, until they finally begin to coordinate destruction
of major police installations and drive out government influence completely. Their prime motivation
seems to be money and power; they enjoy bullying others, and prospering as a result. The creation of
'dead zones' within the city sections, in which very few people live and most of the property is destroyed,
severely hampers both the economy and well-being of the city.

Initiation: New members are brought into the swoop gang through a rigorous month of trials. Quite often they are beaten by
large groups of gang members in order to prove how 'tough' they really are. Regardless of the hazing, each new member is required
to committ either large scale vandalism, or murder of rival gang members or police officers. Upon becoming a member, each initiate is given a
pair of padded gloves with small blades at the knuckles, as well as a jacket with their logo on it: a long python, with sharp spikes coming from
its back.    

Recommended Actions To Be Taken: Large-scale, coordinated military intervention



Typical Razorback Gang Member
Dexterity: 2D
        Blaster 4D+1
        Dodge 5D
        Grenade 3D+2
        Vehicle Blaster 4D+1
Knowledge: 2D
        Streetwise: Razorbacks 3D
        Willpower: Against Intimidation 5D
        Tactics 2D+2
Mechanical: 2D+2
        Swoop Operation 4D+2
        Repulsorlift Operation 3D+2
Perception: 2D+1
        Command 3D
Strength: 2D+2
        Brawling 4D+1
Technical: 2D
        Demolition 2D+1
        Swoop Repair 3D

Character Points: 0-3

Blaster pistol(4D), Fire bomb(4D, 3D damage for 1D rounds after), Blaster rifle(5D),
Comlink, Razor-knuckled gloves(Str+1D+2;max damage 6D), Padded Jacket(+1D to resist physical, +1 to resist energy), Razorback Swoop

Typical Razorback Swoop

Craft: Mobquet Flare-S Swoop
Type: Swoop
Scale: Speeder
Length: 2.5 meters
Skill: Swoop operation
Crew: 1
Cover: 1/4
Altitude Range: Ground level-350 meters
Cost: not available for sale
Manueverability: 3D+2
Move: 225; 650 kmh
Body strength: 2D
Blaster Cannon
  Fire arc: Front
  Skill: Vehicle blasters
  Fire control: 2D
  Range: 3-50/100/200
  Damage: 3D

Typical Underboss(one for about every 10 gangers)
Dexterity: 2D+2
        Blaster 5D+2
        Dodge 5D
        Grenade 4D
        Vehicle Blaster 4D+2
Knowledge: 3D
        Streetwise: Razorbacks 5D
        Willpower: Against Intimidation 6D
        Tactics 4D
Mechanical: 3D
        Swoop Operation 6D
        Repulsorlift Operation 4D+1
Perception: 2D+1
        Command 4D+2
Strength: 3D
        Brawling 5D+1
Technical: 2D
        Demolition 3D
        Swoop Repair 4D

Character points: 5-8

Blaster carbine(5D), Fire bomb(4D, 3D damage for 1D rounds after), Blaster rifle(5D),
Comlink, Razor-knuckled gloves(Str+1D+2;max damage 6D), Padded Jacket(+1D to resist physical, +1 to resist energy), Razorback Swoop  

Razorbacks Leader: Styve Krage

Styve, despite his reputation for being ruthless and bloodthirsty in combat, has been the cause of many broken hearts among the female
teenager population of Chronum due to his good looks; he is tall and muscular, with flowing black hair and emerald green eyes. He is clad in dark purple and black
armor, covered mostly by a black cape with gold trim. He appears to be in his late twenties, having inherited leadership of the Razorbacks from its deceased former leader(his
older brother, Xrez) several years ago. His faces is nicked with small scars from long past battles, and his eyes are full of anger and determination. His past is unknown, and
his deeds are mired in rumor and urban legend.

Dexterity: 3D
        Blaster 6D+2
        Dodge 8D
        Melee Combat 7D (using house rules that Melee Combat/Melee Parry are one skill; if GM is         not using them, Melee Parry is 7D as well)
        Missile Weapons 6D+2
        Grenade 4D+2
        Vehicle Blaster 6D
Knowledge: 3D
        Streetwise: Razorbacks 6D+2
      Willpower: 7D
        Tactics 5D
        Intimidation: 5D
Mechanical: 3D
        Swoop Operation 8D
        Repulsorlift Operation 6D
Perception: 4D
        Command 7D
Strength: 3D
        Brawling 6D+2
Technical: 2D
        Demolition 5D
        Swoop Repair 5D+2
        First Aid 4D

Equipment: Body Armor(+1D+2 physical, +1D energy; -1D when worn by anyone but him due to custom fitting), Helmet(with macrobinocular magnification, nightvision, and comlink;
+1D energy and physical resistance), Vibro-Scythe(Str+3D+1), 2 Wrist blasters(5D, fire rate:2), Gloves(retractable razors: Str+2D), 3 fragmentation grenades(5D)

Special Abilities:
Ambidexterous - able to use both hands equally well

Character Points: 19
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 3

Styve's Personal Swoop - "Hell Steed"

Craft: Heavily Modified Mobquet Flare-S Swoop
Type: Swoop
Scale: Speeder
Length: 2.5 meters
Skill: Swoop operation
Crew: 1
Cover: 1/4
Altitude Range: Ground level-350 meters
Cost: not available for sale
Manueverability: 4D+2
Move: 280; 800 kmh
Body strength: 2D+2
Blaster Cannon
  Fire arc: Front
  Skill: Vehicle blasters
  Fire control: 2D
  Range: 3-50/100/200
  Damage: 4D

Rear Rocket Launcher(Hell Steed holds 5 missiles)
  Fire arc: Back
  Skill: Missile Weapons
  Fire Control: 0D
  Range: 3-25/50/100
  Damage: 6D/5D/4D/2D(character scale)

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