Name: Senator Rayencourt
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 1.78 meters
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Skin color: Dark
Affiliation(s): Galactic Republic
Move: 10
Brawling Parry: 4D+2
Blaster: 4D+1
Dodge: 6D
Bargain: 6D+1
Command: 5D+2
Con: 6D+1
Investigation: 6D+2
Persuasion: 6D+1
Search: 5D+1
Sneak: 5D+2
Alien Species: 5D
Bureaucracy: 7D+1
Cultures: 5D+2
Languages: 4D+1
Brawling: 4D+1
Climbing/Jumping: 5D
Repulsorlift Operation: 4D+2
Computer Programming/Repair: 5D+2
First Aid: 4D+1
Security: 5D
CREDITS Vast personal wealth
Holdout Blaster Pistol (3D), Senatorial Wardrobe, Comlink
Description: Rayencourt was a human who served as a Senator of the Galactic Republic's Senate during the High Republic Era. Having anti-Jedi views, he believed the Jedi Order to be a danger and was working on getting an external review of the Order passed during 132 BBY. In that year, he discovered that Jedi Master Vernestra Rwoh was leading a murder investigation without reporting it to the senate, prompting him to report this discovery to Supreme Chancellor Drellik and confronting Rwoh. He was later a part of a Senate tribunal where Rwoh provided a report on the investigation. Rwoh lied to the tribunal, framing the dead Jedi Master Sol as the killer to cover up the truth. Rayencourt used her report to argue for an external review of the Order to begin immediately, but Drellik ignored his request.
Anti-Jedi campaign
Rayencourt was a human Senator of the Galactic Republic during the final decades of the High Republic Era. In 132 BBY, Rayencourt was trying to get an external review of the Jedi Order passed in the Galactic Senate and received increased support from his fellow senators. The Mirialan Jedi Master Vernestra Rwoh and Abednedo Senator Isedwa Chuwant discussed Rayencourt's increasing popularity in the Senate and his proposal, with Chuwant informing Ro that their fellow senators from the Expansion Region would vote in support of the review.
Rwoh admitted that Rayencourt had never been an ally of the Order and expressed worry that his anti-Jedi views had swayed too many others, but Chuwant assured her that she need not be worried about the review as the Order had a history of transparency with the Senate, stating that Rayencourt was merely an ambitious senator trying to gain more power.
Conversation with a Jedi
Rayencourt later visited the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant to speak with Rwoh. Padawan Mog Adana let Rayencourt into the control room, where he waited for the Jedi Master. Rwoh entered the room using the Force to open its door, greeting him. Rayencourt apologized to Rwoh for his intrusion and Rwoh asked the Senator what was so urgent that it necessitated the unwelcome visit her at the Temple. Rayencourt explained that he heard about the Jedi conducting a murder investigation without a report to the Senate. The Jedi Master countered that she has the authority to keep such matters internal if there isn't a larger threat, unsuccessfully attempting to quench the human's doubts by explaining that all victims were Jedi. She added that a capture of the suspect was close and Rayencourt questioned whether the suspect was a Jedi, but Rwoh avoided the question, thanking him for his concern and attempting to leave the room.
She was stopped by Rayencourt who explained to her that despite what she might think, the external review he is working on is not a personal vendetta against the Jedi Order and went on to explain his view of the Jedi as a delusional cult wielding unchecked power and claiming to control emotions, something that he considers uncontrollable. He questioned whether there was anyone with enough power to stop any Jedi who might snap and go rogue. Before leaving the control room he also made the Mirialan aware that he informed Supreme Chancellor Drellik of the Jedi Master's lack of transparency, advising her to have the murder suspect in custody by the time Drellik summons her for a Senate tribunal.
Senate tribunal
Rayencourt was one of the senators present for the tribunal he warned Rwoh about. Rwoh reported that sixteen years earlier a quartet of Jedi participated in a mission to the planet Brendok, where their actions led to the destruction of a Force cult of witches. She deceived the tribunal by saying that the Jedi Master Sol had gone rogue when truth about the events threatened to be revealed and hunted down the other three Jedi involved, when in truth the killer was the Force-sensitive assassin Mae Aniseya. Rayencourt and Drellik shared a look when Rwoh mentioned Sol's alleged murder of his compatriots. Rwoh stated that the Jedi High Council condemns Sol's actions, but Rayencourt proposed to the Tarsunt Chancellor that an external review of the Order must begin immediately due to the events described by Rwoh. Drellik did not react to the Senator's proposal, instead asking Rwoh what happened to the rogue Jedi. The Mirialan explained that his corpse was found on Brendok and speculated that he might have ended his own life, but in truth he was killed by his former Padawan Osha Aniseya.
Personality and traits
Rayencourt was a dark-skinned human with brown eyes and black hair who had a height of 1.78 meters. He was a suspicious representative who had a strong dislike for the Jedi Order, questioning their nobility and considering them a delusional cult that possessed unchecked power. He considered his fellow senators' positive opinion of the Jedi to be caused by hero worship. While Rayencourt disliked the Order, he insisted that his attempts for an external review are not motivated by a personal vendetta, but were merely concerns about safety, expressing doubt that anyone would be able to stop a Jedi who fails to keep their emotions in check.
When discovering that Vernestra Rwoh kept a Jedi investigation secret from the Senate, he confronted her about her actions and also alerted the Chancellor of her actions. Despite Rayencourt's anti-Jedi sentiments, he was familiar with the Order's saying "May the Force be with you" and was aware that Rwoh gets nauseous in hyperspace, however he incorrectly thought the problem to be her stomach, when in fact it was her head.
During his conversation with Vernestra Rwoh, Rayencourt wore multiple layers of clothing, including wine-red robes that were partially covered by cream-colored layer with a black and gold hexagon pattern. Parts of the latter layer were connected with strings of white-gold beads, and the outfit also featured shoes and a necklace with a large pendant. Rayencourt later wore a similar outfit to the Senate tribunal, changing the uppermost layer for one with a hexagon pattern that was red and gold.