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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Old RepublicSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: High RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: Isedwa Chuwant
Species: Abednedo
Height: 1.87 meters
Skin color: Gray
Affiliation(s): Galactic Republic, Galactic Senate
Move: 10

         Blaster: 3D
         Dodge: 4D+1
        Bargain: 5D+2
        Command: 5D+1
        Con: 3D+2
        Persuasion: 5D+2
        Sneak: 3D+2
        Alien Species: 3D+2
        Bureaucracy: 6D
        Cultures: 5D
        Languages: 4D+2
        Law Enforcement: 5D
        Planetary Systems: 4D+1
        Value: 4D+2
        Brawling: 3D+1
        Repulsorlift Operation: 3D+2
        Computer Programming/Repair: 3D+2
        Droid Repair: 3D
        Security: 4D+1

Special Abilities:
         Distance VIsion: Abednedo eye's are spaced further apart than most species, and they have superior distance vision than normal species. This gives them a bonus +1D to all dice rolls involving sight at long distances, such as search. But they also lose -1D to all dice rolls involving their sight, requiring fine up close work.

Story Factors:
         Natural in cramped spaces: Having evolved from a tunnelling forebear, Abednedo are naturals in cramped spaces and do not suffer from claustrophobia in any way. For example where another pilot might feel relieved and glad to be outside when he climbs out of a fighter cockpit after many hours, an Abednedo will feel no different.

         CREDITS  Vast personal wealth
                 Comlink, Senatorial Wardrobe, Comlink


Description: Isedwa Chuwant was an Abednedo Senator who represented the planet Abednedo in the Galactic Senate during the last decades of the High Republic Era. In 132 BBY, Chuwant gave Jedi Master Vernestra Rwoh an update on the Senate, informing her that Senator Rayencourt's support among their peers was growing and that he was preparing an external review of the Jedi Order. After a short discussion with Chuwant, Rwoh excused herself to speak with Padawan Mog Adana. The Senator later participated in a tribunal where Rwoh deceived Supreme Chancellor Drellik and the tribunal's senators, framing Jedi Master Sol for the crimes of the Force-sensitive assassin Mae Aniseya.

Isedwa Chuwant was an Abednedo politician who served as a Senator of the planet Abednedo in the Galactic Republic's senate during the High Republic Era. In 132 BBY, Chuwant gave Mirialan Jedi Master Vernestra Rwoh an update on the current situation in the Senate, telling  her that Senator Rayencourt was gaining support and preparing an external review of the Jedi Order for a vote by the Senate. Chuwant also added that their fellow senators from the Expansion Region would vote in support of the review.

The Abednedo assured Rwoh that she should not be alarmed by the review despite her worries, as the Order had a tradition of transparency with the Senate and that Rayencourt was merely an ambitious senator grasping for power. Their conversation was interrupted by  Padawan Mog Adana who needed to speak with Rwoh. The Jedi Master thanked Chuwant for their update and excused herself, turning off the holoprojector.

Later, Rwoh was summoned in front of a Senate tribunal led by Supreme Chancellor Drellik, which Chuwant was a part of. Rwoh reported to the tribunal that a Jedi Master named Sol had gone rogue, killing the other three Jedi who participated in a mission to the planet Brendok sixteen years earlier in order to cover up the four's involvement in destroying a Force cult. The Jedi Master deceived the tribunal however, covering up the fact that the Jedi were actually murdered by the Force-sensitive assassin Mae Aniseya. Rayencourt insisted that in light of the events an external review of the Order must begin immediately, but Drellik asked Rwoh what became of Sol. She explained to the Tarsunt Chancellor that he was found dead on Brendok, and speculated that he killed himself, while in reality he was killed by his former Padawan Osha Aniseya.

Personality and traits
Isedwa Chuwant was an Abednedo with gray skin. As a senator, Chuwant was knowledgeable in the inner workings of the Galactic Senate, being able to provide their trusted ally Vernestra Rwoh with updates on Senate matters. They were also loyal to the Jedi Order, believing the Order to be transparent with the Senate.

During the Senate tribunal, Chuwant wore black and green robes and a green cloak.

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