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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Old RepublicSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: High RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: Indara
Died: 132 BBY, Ueda
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Height: 1.77 meters
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Skin color: Light (with black tattoos)
Affiliation(s): Jedi Order, Brendok four
Apprentices: Torbin
Move: 10

         Blaster: 4D
         Brawling Parry 8D
         Dodge: 7D+1
         LightSaber: 9D
         Melee Combat: 6D
         Melee Parry: 6D+2
         Bargain: 5D+1
         Command: 6D
         Hide: 5D
         Investigation: 6D
         Persuasion: 6D+2
         Search: 5D
         Sneak: 6D
         Alien Species: 8D+2
         Bureaucracy: 5D
         Cultures: 5D+1
         Scholar (Jedi Lore): 7D
         Languages: 6D
         Planetary Systems: 5D
         Streetwise: 5D+2
         Survival: 6D+2
         Tactics: 6D
         Willpower: 8D
         Brawling: 8D
         Climbing/Jumping: 6D+2
         Astrogation: 5D+2
         Communications: 5D
         Repulsorlift Operation: 6D+1
         Sensors: 4D
         Space Transports: 5D
         Starship Shields: 5D+1
         First Aid: 5D+1
         Lightsaber Repair: 7D+1
         Security: 5D+1

         Control: 10D+1
         Sense: 12D+2
         Alter: 11D+1
Force Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Healing, Concentration, Control Pain, Enhance Attribute, Hibernation Trance, Resist Stun, Combat Sense, Danger Sense, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Telekinesis, Lightsaber Combat, Projective Telepathy, Accelerate Anothers Healing, Control Anothers Pain, Affect Mind, Projected Fighting, Lesser Force Shield, Jedi Armed Combat

         CREDITS - 300
                 Green Bladed Lightsaber (5D), Jedi Robes


Description: Indara was a human Jedi Master of the Jedi Order who lived during the High Republic Era and trained a Padawan, Torbin. Often commanding an authoritative presence, the Jedi Master was skilled in several forms of combat, including wielding the Force to protect herself and others. In 148 BBY, she was sent on the planet Brendok with the Jedi Master Kelnacca, the Jedi Knight Sol, and Torbin to discover if a vergence of the Force had regenerated life on the world following the Great Hyperspace Disaster. While there, she and Sol tested the twin sisters Verosha "Osha" and Mae-ho "Mae" Aniseya to be potential Padawans after discovering them within a coven of witches led by Mother Aniseya. When Mae tried to prevent Osha from leaving with the Jedi, Sol rescued her from the fire that happened afterward, bringing her into the Jedi Order as his Padawan afterward when the Jedi—including Indara—departed the world.

At some point after leaving Brendok, Torbin completed his Jedi training under Indara, eventually ascending to the rank of Jedi Master. Around 138 BBY, Indara suggested to the Jedi High Council that Osha's training be ended, though the latter ultimately left the Order on her own. Meanwhile, Mae sought revenge against Indara and the other three Jedi who had been on Brendok for perceived wrongs, though the Jedi had assumed Mae had perished in the Brendok fire years before. In 132 BBY, Indara fought Mae—now a Sith assassin—on the planet Ueda in a skirmish in Lomi Usqi Noodle Shop. The pair engaged in an extended spar, with the Jedi Master defending herself using the Force as Mae used her knives to attack. However, Indara was ultimately killed by Mae when the assassin stabbed her, as the Jedi had been distracted by trying to save the noodle restaurant's barkeep, Cabuck, from one of Mae's knives.

Following this, the Jedi Knight Yord Fandar and his Padawan, Tasi Lowa, brought Osha in as a suspect in the murder, though they ultimately cleared her of suspicion after discovering Mae still lived and had been involved in Torbin's death on the planet Olega. Afterward, the Jedi continued investigating Indara and Torbin's murders and displayed their holograms in the planet Coruscant's Jedi Temple. Meanwhile, Mae-ho continued her quest and sought to fight Kelnacca on the planet Khofar next, though her Sith Master—whom she knew as the trader Qimir—ultimately killed the Wookiee instead. In the aftermath of the investigation, Jedi Master Vernestra Rwoh blamed Indara, Torbin, and Kelnacca's deaths on Sol following his death at Verosha's hands. Rwoh further insisted Sol was a rogue Jedi who had murdered his colleagues to prevent the truth of their confrontation with the witches on Brendok years before from coming to light, leaving on official record that Indara and her fellows had conspired to hide the truth—and while true that the group had not told the entire truth, neither did Sol kill his colleagues.

Personality and traits
Often exuding a sense of command, authority, and resolve with her presence Indara was a well-respected Jedi Master who led her colleagues on missions. She was loyal to the Jedi Order's ideals and supported the organization's belief that, under Galactic Republic authority, Jedi had the right to test any children as potential Padawan candidates. Indara carried a friendly demeanor] toward Osha and Mae on Brendok when first meeting them, reassuring them that the Jedi would not harm them. By 132 BBY, Indara was friends with Sol, with whom she had been stationed on Brendok previously.

As a Jedi, Indara did not believe in attacking unarmed individuals and sought to be respectful of those she met. However, in contrast, the witches in Aniseya's coven on Brendok took offense to Indara and her colleagues being armed with their lightsabers on Brendok while trespassing in one of their sacred areas. On Ueda, Indara to attempted save as many innocents as possible out of moral duty when they were in danger, including the noodle shop's barkeep. Mae, meanwhile, sought to test the Jedi Master's resolve to put others' lives above her own by attacking civilians to see if the Jedi would help them. Though Indara was confident that Mae would eventually be unsuccessful in her revenge-fueled endeavors, Indara was ultimately killed in their duel.

Mae wished to exact revenge on Indara and three other Jedi for perceived wrongs as the Jedi had taken her sister away from Brendok, which she had tried and failed to prevent. The assassin felt emotional upon her successful murder of the Jedi Master, pleased with her actions. In contrast, Sol was saddened upon hearing of her passing. The Jedi stood 1.77 meters tall and had light skin and blue eyes. Indara kept her brown hair styled in an updo. In 148 BBY,Indara bore one circular marking near one of her eyes, though by 132 BBY, she had added one more, making for two markings total.

Powers and abilities
Indara was a powerful Jedi Master possessing refined physical and mental skills. Having been trained by the Jedi Order, her command of the Force allowed her to engage in combat easily. Indara managed to train at least one Padawan—Torbin—who eventually became a Jedi Master himself after finishing his training] under Indara. Though she did not seek out conflict, she could use her defensive skills to protect others from harm while also keeping awareness of her surroundings, such as when an assailant attempted to take her lightsaber.

During her time on Brendok, Indara proved able to lead the Jedi under her command as they searched for a vergence for several weeks. The Jedi Master was able to pilot a starship, use its comms systems, and utilize various types of equipment such as scanners and analyzers. When the Brendok witches exerted a Thread ability on Kelnacca to force him to attack his colleagues, Indara was able to counter it by concentrating her prowess of the Force after knocking him to the ground. The moment the Jedi Master broke the coven's concentration and freed Kelnacca from their spell, the witches lifelessly collapsed.

On Ueda, Indara used telekinesis to save Cabuck from being stabbed with a knife by halting the weapon mid-air and also used the ability to prevent a hostage from falling to the floor from a story above. The Jedi Master was adept at hand-to-hand combat by using controlled defensive maneuvers, able to dodge many weapons thrown at her either by moving to avoid them or slicing them in pieces with her lightsaber in an attack stance. Indara was physically able to complete acrobatic maneuvers to scale distances and quickly move to different levels of a structure.

On Brendok, Indara wore yellow Jedi robes featuring a darker yellow undertunic. She paired the outfit with a brown cloak, and a dark-colored utility belt with maroon edging and a gold buckle bearing the Jedi Order's insignia. Indara also used some light colored thread to keep her hair secured behind her head, carried a brown shoulder bag, and wore black gloves featuring fasteners. For several weeks on Brendok, Indara worked alongside her fellow Jedi to look for a vergence on the world by using a variety of equipment. The Jedi Master utilized long-handled ground scanner, as well as a different type of scanner mounted on a post, the data of which ported to a datapad. Indara's group of Jedi also used a ship on Brendok, and she contacted the Jedi Council at least once using its comms technology.

Years later on Ueda, she wore multi-layered ivory-colored Jedi robes featuring delicate pleating, a brown utility belt with a gold-colored buckle, pleated brown boots. Her undertunic featured a slight ribbing pattern, while her overtunic was made of rougher, more structured material. She also donned a brown cloak and owned a silver-colored comlink. Indara wielded a green-bladed lightsaber with a gold-and-silver hilt, which she kept attached to her belt as a symbol of the Jedi's role as guardians of peace in the galaxy.

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