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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Old RepublicSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: High RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: Bazil
Species: Tynnan
Gender: Male
Height: 1.17 meters
Hair color: Brown and white
Eye color: Brown
Affiliation(s): Jedi Order
Move: 8

         Blaster: 3D
         Brawling Parry: 3D+2
         Dodge: 5D+2
         Hide: 5D
         Search: 6D
         Search; Tracking: 8D
         Sneak: 5D+2
         Languages: 4D
         Survival: 6D
         Brawling: 4D
         Climbing/Jumping: 5D+2
         Swimming: 5D
         Beast Riding: 3D
         Repulsorlift Operation: 3D+2

Special Abilities:
        Low Temperatures: Tynnans are native to near frigid waters and suffer no penalties while in extreme cold (temperatures equal to or above-50 degrees Celsius).
        Swimming: Tynnans are excellent swimmers and can hold their breath for as many minutes as their stamina die code.

Story Factors:
        Wealth: Most Tynnans are supported by their government and spend their time in recreational pursuits.

         CREDITS - 250
                 Concealed Blaster Pistol (4D), Comlink, Rugged Clothing, Utility Belt, Sensory Deprivation Helmet (+1D vs Physical Damage, +2 vs Energy Damage, +1D to tracking by smell)


Description: Bazil was a Tynnan tracker who was an ally of the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era. In 132 BBY, he was employed by a team of Jedi on a mission to find the Wookiee Jedi Master Kelnacca in the jungles of the planet Khofar. Led by Master Sol and accompanied by Verosha "Osha" Aniseya, the sister of the Sith assassin Mae-ho "Mae" Aniseya—who was hunting down Kelnacca—the group arrived on Khofar, where Bazil began to follow Kelnacca's scent.

During the journey, Bazil became separated, encountering Mae and alerting the Jedi. Mae's Sith Master—an individual known as the Stranger—then attacked the Jedi, killing all but Sol in the ensuing duel. Bazil avoided the skirmish, later finding the head of Osha's droid, Pip. The Tynnan returned to the Jedi ship, following Sol and Mae—the latter disguised as her sister—on board.

Tracking a Wookiee
The Tynnan tracker Bazil lived during the High Republic Era and was an ally of the Jedi Order. In 132 BBY, he was employed by a group of Jedi for a mission to the planet Khofar in order to locate the Wookiee Jedi Master Kelnacca, who lived in isolation in its jungles. The team of Jedi, led by Master Sol, wished to reach Kelnacca before the Sith assassin Mae-ho "Mae" Aniseya hunted him down as part of her quest. Bazil accompanied the group of Jedi, as well as Aniseya's sister, Verosha "Osha" Aniseya, aboard a Polan-717 Jedi transport.

As Jedi Knight Yord Fandar briefed the Jedi while in hyperspace, Bazil sniffed at Osha's droid, Pip. The Tynnan roared at the droid, who sprayed a stream of water into his face. As Bazil wiped his fur, Osha apologized before stepping aside to ask Padawan Jecki Lon about him. After arriving at Khofar, the Jedi learned from the locals that Kelnacca had not been seen after venturing into the forest. In order to find the Wookiee, Fandar—who was fluent in Bazil's Tynnan language—provided the tracker with a piece of cloth. After sniffing the fabric, Bazil began to lead the Jedi toward Kelnacca.

Target acquired
Eventually, Bazil led the others into a grove of trees that served as a breeding ground for an eclipse of umbramoths. Feeling something was rotten about the area, the Tynnan stopped to growl his concerns. Sol urged the group to continue quickly but quietly, though the Jedi were delayed by Osha accidentally disturbing one of the umbramoths, which Sol killed. Bazil shortly became separated from the Jedi, who were unable to find him.

Bazil, his visor down, soon found himself outside Kelnacca's shelter. Mae, who had decided to turn herself in to Kelnacca, tripped while heading for the shelter, landing in front of Bazil. She greeted the Tynnan, who roared, alerting the Jedi that he had found Mae. The assassin fled inside the shelter, while the Jedi and Osha rushed to Bazil's location. However, Mae found that Kelnacca had been killed by her Sith Master, an individual known as the Stranger who soon emerged to attack the Jedi as night fell.

Chaos on Khofar
As the Jedi and the Master dueled, Bazil rushed through the forest. Fandar, who had been ordered by Sol to take Osha back to the ship, spotted the tracker, and the pair began to follow him, briefly stopping when Osha insisted they should return to help. After the pair later paused for a second time, they became separated from Bazil once again and eventually returned to the fight. The Master killed all of the Jedi except for Sol in the skirmish, but was carried away by umbramoths that Osha summoned using Pip's disconnected head as a light.

Later, Bazil found Pip's head shortly after the Master had slain the umbramoths. As the Sith walked away, Bazil picked it up and sniffed the droid's head before rushing off. Bazil returned to the Jedi starship, entering shortly after Sol and Mae, the latter having disguised herself as Osha. Carrying Pip's head, the Tynnan stopped in the hallway to sniff the air before following the two.

Personality and traits
While hunting his quarry, Bazil was tenacious, scampering hurriedly as he led the Jedi on Khofar. He possessed brown and white fur as well as brown eyes. Bazil stood at a height of 1.17 meters.

Skills and abilities
Bazil was a natural tracker, possessing a hypersensitive nose that could detect targets at a distance. The Tynnan became separated from the Jedi on multiple occasions while on the hunt, and Fandar felt that they needed another tracker just to track him down. Bazil spoke the Tynnan language. He was able to find a target with one whiff of their scent and would not give up, no matter the danger.

As a tracker, Bazil wore a visor and helmet that he could use to provide sensory deprivation and focus on his sense of smell. While accompanying the Jedi on Khofar, Bazil donned a gray civilian robe.

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