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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: TransportEra: High RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: Exile II
Type: Personal Transport
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 60.2 meters
Skill: Starfighter Piloting - Exile II
Crew: 1
Passengers: 1
Consumables: 5 Weeks
Cargo Capacity: 5 Tonnes
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1
Hyperdrive Backup: N/A
Nav Computer: Yes
Space: 8
Atmosphere: 365;1050kmh
Maneuverability: 2D
Hull: 4D
Shields: 2D
         Passive: 20/0D
         Scan: 40/1D
         Search: 60/2D
         Focus: 3/3D
         2 x Laser Cannons
                 Fire Arc: Turret
                 Fire Control: 2D
                 Space Range: 1-3/12/25
                 Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5KM
                 Damage: 4D

Description: The Exile II was a sleek starship owned by the Sith known as the Stranger during the High Republic Era and used by his acolyte, the Sith assassin Mae-ho "Mae" Aniseya, on her quest to hunt down four Jedi who had been stationed on her homeworld of Brendok. In the Exile II, the assassin traveled to the planet Ueda, where she killed Jedi Master Indara, and the world Olega, where she killed Master Torbin. She and her associate "Qimir," secretly her Sith Master, later traveled to the planet Khofar on the vessel to hunt down Master Kelnacca. The Stranger subsequently used the Exile II to bring Aniseya's sister, Verosha "Osha" Aniseya, to the planet where he operated. The pair followed Mae to the planet Brendok in the Exile II, where Osha chose to train with the Stranger.

Hunting the Jedi
During the High Republic Era, the Exile II was owned by the Sith known as the Stranger. Based out of an island on a planet, the Stranger trained an acolyte, the Sith assassin Mae-ho "Mae" Aniseya. In 132 BBY, Aniseya utilized the Exile II after being tasked by her Master to hunt down and kill four Jedi who had been stationed on her homeworld of Brendok sixteen years prior. The assassin took the Exile II to the planet Ueda, leaving it on a cliff edge near a village, where she killed Jedi Master Indara. She later returned to the Stranger's planet to meet with her Master before departing for the planet Olega, where she parked the ship on the coastline near the city containing the world's Jedi temple.

On Olega, Aniseya killed Master Torbin with the assistance of her associate "Qimir"—who, unknown to Aniseya, was her Master,—but was confronted by a group of Jedi that included Master Sol, another target of hers. The next morning, Aniseya escaped Olega with Qimir's help, and the pair traveled aboard the Exile II to the Outer Rim planet Khofar, where the Wookiee Jedi Master Kelnacca resided. After landing the Exile II in a valley, Aniseya and Qimir disembarked and prepared for a journey into Khofar's forests. When Aniseya, having learned of the survival of her sister, Verosha "Osha" Aniseya, decided to turn herself in to Kelnacca, the Stranger murdered the Wookiee himself and attacked the Jedi team who had visited Khofar to catch Mae, killing all but Sol.

In pursuit of the past
The Stranger later used the Exile II to bring Osha—who had been left behind after Mae knocked her unconscious and switched clothing to pose as her sister—from Khofar to the planet on which he was based, parking the vessel on a rocky landing pad connected by a walkway that led a short distance across the ocean to his island. After Osha confronted the Stranger—by which point the tide was in, isolating the ship from the island—the latter suggested that she could either start swimming if she wished to reach the Exile II before sundown or wait until the tide was out. Osha contemplated the vessel, ultimately choosing to remain on the planet.

After Osha learned of Mae's location on Brendok, she wished to go after her sister, but the Stranger noted that he intended to take his own ship; the pair decided to go together, although Osha refused to reveal their destination before their arrival. Osha and the Stranger crossed over to the now-accessible Exile II, departing the planet and traveling to Brendok. As the pair piloted the vessel into Brendok's atmosphere, the Stranger attempted to speak to Osha, but the latter deactivated his cockpit's power. Noticing on her display that Sol and Mae had already arrived, Osha headed for a landing site near the fortress where the sisters had formerly resided with a coven of witches. After Osha killed Sol in anger and chose to train with the Stranger, the pair departed Brendok in the Exile II, returning to the planet where the Stranger resided.

Commanders and crew
The Exile II was owned by the Sith known as the Stranger and utilized by Mae Aniseya during her missions, with the ship providing safe passage between her destinations. The Stranger, in his guise as Qimir, accompanied her in the Exile II while traveling to Khofar, and later reclaimed the Exile II to transport Osha to his planet. The pair later flew the ship together to Brendok and back.

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