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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Old RepublicSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: High RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: Vernestra Rwoh {as of The Acolyte}
Born: c. 248 BBY
Species: Mirialan
Gender: Female
Height: 1.78 meters
Hair color: Purple-black
Eye color: Blue
Skin color: Light green (with black tattoos)
Affiliation(s): Jedi Order
Masters: Stellan Gios
Apprentices: Imri Cantaros, "The Stranger"
Move: 10

         Blaster: 5D+2
         Brawling Parry: 6D+1
         Dodge: 7D+2
         Lightsaber: 10D
         Melee Combat: 6D+2
         Melee Parry: 7D
         Vehicle Blasters: 4D+2
         Bargain: 6D+1
         Command: 8D+2
         Con: 6D+1
         Hide: 6D+2
         Investigation: 7D+1
         Persuasion: 7D+1
         Search: 7D
         Sneak: 6D+2
         Alien Species 5D
         Bureaucracy 9D+1
         Cultures: 5D+1
         Intimidation: 4D+1
         Languages: 5D+1
         Planetary Systems: 6D
         Scholar (Jedi Lore): 8D+2
         Streetwise: 5D+2
         Survival: 6D+1
         Tactics: 7D
         Willpower: 8D
         Brawling: 7D
         Climbing/Jumping: 6D+2
         Swimming: 5D
         Astrogation: 4D
         Space Transports: 5D
         Starfighter Piloting: 4D+2
         Starship Gunnery: 5D
         Repulsorlift Operation: 4D+2
         Starship Shields: 4D
         Sensors: 4D+2
        Computer Programming/Repair: 5D+2
        First Aid: 6D
        Lightsaber Repair: 8D
        Security: 7D

Force Skills:
         Control: 11D
         Sense: 11D+1
         Alter: 10D+2
Force Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Healing, Concentration, Control Pain, Enhance Attribute, Hibernation Trance, Resist Stun, Combat Sense, Danger Sense, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Telekinesis, Lightsaber Combat, Accelerate Anothers Healing, Control Anothers Pain, Affect Mind, Lesser Force Shield, Projected Fighting

Story Factors:
         Faith in the Force: Mirialans are deeply religious and have a primitive understanding of the force, which sticks with them throughout their life, meaning that they will rely on the force more heavily that other cultures, believing in the will of the force.
         Facial Tattoos: Mirialans will place a unique, often geometrically repeated tattoo on their face and hands to signify that they had completed a certain test or task, or achieved sufficient aptitude for a certain skill. The number of tattoos would thus often act as a good indicator of how mature and/or skilled a Mirialan was.
        Hyperspace Visions: Rwoh would often receive visions in hyperspace during her apprenticeship with Gios, an ability he urged her to exlpore, but she refused. Following her promotion to the rank of Jedi Knight, Rwoh stopped having hyperspace visions until her trip to Tiikae.

         CREDITS - 5,000
                 Vernestra Rwoh's lightsaber (5D), Cream Jedi Robes, Comlink, Utility Belt


Description: Vernestra Rwoh was a Mirialan female Jedi Master who lived during the High Republic Era. She was also occasionally nicknamed "Vern," although she disliked it. Rwoh was the Padawan of Jedi Master Stellan Gios and she was promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight at the age of fifteen, making her the youngest Jedi to achieve that rank in a long time. Inspired by a Force vision, Rwoh wielded a unique purple lightsaber that could elasticize its blade to become a lightwhip. Rwoh was aromantic, focusing on her training, and eventually climbed the ranks of the Jedi Order to become a respected Master.

Several months after being knighted, after turning sixteen, Rwoh's first proper Jedi mission was supervising Avon Starros, an aspiring inventor and the daughter of Senator Ghirra Starros, at the remote outpost Port Haileap. However, when Rwoh and Starros joined a party traveling on the starship Steady Wing to the Starlight Beacon, a new space station, the cruiser was bombed, leaving the two of them, Padawan Imri Cantaros, and a few others stranded on the jungle moon Wevo. After facing members of the pirate organization known as the Nihil, Rwoh took Cantaros on as her Padawan. Rwoh, although young for her rank, was devoted to the ideals of the Jedi Order and wished to help others as best she could.

After helping fight off the carnivorous plant-like Drengir on Starlight Beacon, she and her Padawan continued to fight the Nihil during the Jedi's conflict with the group, including facing them during the Valo Atrocity. She later helped take down the Nihil's Gravity well projector space station called the Gravity's Heart, where she received a mysterious hyperspace path from captive hyperspace savant Mari San Tekka. She also embarked on a mission to free several children captured by the Nihil on the planet Dalna, including Starros.

During the Destruction of Starlight Beacon, Rwoh was on Eiram, where she witnessed its fall to the planet's surface. She learned of her former master's death and assumed Cantaros and Starros perished as well when their bodies were not found. Suffering from grief and losing faith in the Jedi Council, Rwoh became a Wayseeker to follow the will of the Force instead. She returned to fighting to search for Cantaros when Starros came to her for help. After locating Cantaros in the Nihil-controlled space known as the Occlusion Zone, Rwoh knighted him before returning to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and sharing what she learned behind enemy lines.

Eventually, Rwoh would train another apprentice, an individual that would come to be known as "the Stranger," who would abandon the ways of the Jedi and align himself with the Sith. Nearly a century after the fall of Starlight Beacon, Rwoh would direct an investigation attempting the solve a string of Jedi murder cases. Though she would uncover that her former apprentice and his acolyte were behind the Jedi deaths, Rwoh would ultimately blame one of the victims—her friend and fellow Master Sol—for the killing spree in order to protect the Jedi Order's reputation in the eyes of an increasingly scrutinous Galactic Senate.

Personality and traits
Vernestra Rwoh was a Mirialan female with green skin, purple-black hair, and blue eyes. Rwoh bore the markings of her family, six tiny black diamonds stacked in two rows of three tattooed on the outside corner of each eye. Later in her life, she was bald, with additional diamond tattoos atop her head and on her hands. She was compassionate and devoted to the ways of the Jedi. She could be apologetic and unsure of herself when she was young, and hated surprises. However, she was knowledgeable and a quick thinker, as she was able to spot and help prevent an assassination attempt as a Padawan.

Although Rwoh found her charge Avon Starros exasperating at times, she enjoyed her company and wanted to get to know her better. Rwoh's prodigious talent, which vaulted her to the rank of Knight at an unusually young age, left her in an unusual position, and she was still learning to deal with her rank. This uncertainty, however, led her to occasionally dismiss genuine threats if she sensed them.

In her days as a newly promoted Jedi Knight, the young Rwoh struggled to set a good example for the younger of the Jedi Order while also fitting in with older Jedi. Despite this, Rwoh still acted as a leader, and did so with unwavering faith in the Force and devotion to the Jedi Order. However, after the fall of Starlight Beacon, Rwoh was overcome by grief at the perceived loss of her Padawan, friends, and way of life, causing her to pull back from the order and become a Wayseeker in order to focus on healing herself.

As a Jedi Master later in her long life, Rwoh became more serious and serene. She involved herself with the Jedi's higher affairs, shouldering more responsibility than she did as a Padawan or Knight, conducting investigations and directing groups of other Masters and Knights. Though she was a powerful Jedi and an exemplary leader, Rwoh would become secretive and duplicitous, hiding the truth of her one-time apprentice "the Stranger's" fate from both the Jedi Order and the Senate. Though she did so somberly and apologetically, she also framed her late friend, Sol, for murders he did not commit in order to protect the reputation of the Jedi Order from outside power-hungry forces.

Rwoh was aromantic, and therefore not interested in romance with other individuals. Despite this, she was aware of the attractiveness of other beings but did not feel attraction to them in return. As she had never experienced any of the emotions related to falling in love, she found it difficult to have conversations about such feelings. She also disliked holo adventures that focused on overwrought romances or being present for lovers' quarrels. Sometimes she thought it was easier not to have developed those attractions the way Padawans who came of age often did.

Powers and abilities
As a teenager, Rwoh was a prodigy, though wasn't exceptionally powerful. Her Force abilities included telekinesis, which she used to stop Avon Starros when the girl was flying around Port Haileap on a scoot speeder. When she was only a Padawan, she was able to throw her master, Stellan Gios, across a large room with the Force. According to Gios, Rwoh had the ability to navigate ships using only the Force while in hyperspace. Additionally, Rwoh would often receive visions in hyperspace during her apprenticeship with Gios, an ability he urged her to explore, but she refused. Following her promotion to the rank of Jedi Knight, Rwoh stopped having hyperspace visions until her trip to Tiikae. She was also capable of sensing threats through the Force, although she did not always realize the threat was genuine, occasionally dismissing such feelings as nothing. Rwoh was capable with her lightsaber from a young age, and could perform an acrobatic vault over a person.

As a Jedi Knight during the Great Hyperspace Disaster and ensuing Nihil conflict, Rwoh wore brown and cream Jedi robes with short sleeves and fingerless gauntlets on her forearms. Later in life, as a Jedi Master, she would wear a variety of robes, such as gold-brown mission robes and sets of white temple robes. She carried a purple-bladed lightsaber, which she had modified to also serve as a lightwhip. Uncertain of the reception the modification would get, she kept it secret as long as possible, eventually coming to use the weapon in its lightwhip state openly.

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