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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: High RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: Verosha (Osha) Aniseya
Homeworld: Brendok
Born: c. 156 BBY
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Height: 1.67 meters
Hair color: Black (with brown highlights)
Eye color: Brown
Skin color: Dark
Parent(s): Aniseya, Koril
Sibling(s): Mae-ho Aniseya (twin)
Affiliation(s): Brendok coven, Jedi Order, Trade Federation, Sith
Masters: Sol (Jedi Master), "The Stranger" (Sith Master)
Move: 10

            Blaster: 4D
            Brawling Parry: 6D
            Dodge: 6D+1
            Lightsaber: 5D+2
            Bargain: 5D+1
            Hide: 5D+2
            Investigation: 4D+2
            Persuasion: 5D
            Sneak: 5D+2
           Languages: 5D
           Planetary Systems: 5D+1
            Scholar (Jedi Lore): 4D+2
            Survival: 5D+2
            Streetwise: 6D+1
            Brawling: 5D+2
            Climbing/Jumping: 5D+1
            Astrogation: 5D
            Communications: 5D+2
            Repulsorlift Operation: 5D
            Starfighter Piloting: 5D+2
            Space Transports: 5D
            Starship Gunnery: 5D+2
            Sensors: 4D+1
            Capital Ship Repair: 6D+1
            Computer Programming/Repair: 5D+1
            Droid Programming/Repair: 6D
            Lightsaber Repair: 3D+2
            Repulsorlift Repair: 4D+2
            Security: 6D+2
            Space Transport Repair: 5D+1

Special Abilities:
Force Skills:
            Control: 5D+1
            Sense: 5D+2
            Alter: 5D
Force Powers: Accelerate Healing, Concentration, Enhance Attribute, Hibernation Trance, Resist Stun,  Force push, Force Jump,  Combat Sense, Danger Sense, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Sense Force, Telekinesis, Lightsaber Combat, Affect Mind, Telekinetic Kill

            CREDITS - 600
                        Street Clothes, Toolkit, Stun Blaster (4D), Droid (Pip)


Description: Verosha Aniseya, known as Osha and nicknamed Oshie by her sister, was a Force-sensitive human female Sith acolyte who lived during the High Republic Era. Created via the Force by her mother with the aid of a vergence on the planet Brendok, she was raised as part of a coven of witches alongside her twin sister, Mae-ho "Mae" Aniseya. After Mae started a fire in the coven's fortress in order to prevent Osha from going with four Jedi who had discovered their coven, most of the witches, including Osha's mother, were killed by the Jedi. Osha was rescued by Jedi Master Sol and brought to Coruscant where the Jedi Council reluctantly permitted her training despite her advanced age.
At the Jedi Temple, Osha was taken on as Sol's Padawan but failed to control her negative feelings towards her sister for the deaths of her family. For these reasons, and at the recommendation of the Council, as well as Master Indara who had been on the original mission to Brendok, Osha left the Order and, by 132 BBY, was a meknek for the Trade Federation. After Mae resurfaced and murdered Master Indara on Ueda, Osha was initially blamed and arrested by the Jedi for the crime.

However, Osha was quickly absolved of the crime on Olega after Mae killed Master Torbin, leading to the twins' reunion and Osha to team up with her former Jedi Master to bring her sister to justice. Over the course of the investigation, Sol's role in the murder of the twin's mother was gradually revealed, leading a betrayed Osha to fall to the dark side of the Force and kill her former master. She then accepted the invitation of a Sith known simply as "The Stranger" to become his Sith apprentice, parting ways with Mae after the latter had her mind voluntarily erased by the Sith.

Personality and traits
Verosha Aniseya was a dark-skinned human with brown eyes who stood at 1.67 meters and wore her hair in braids with brown highlights. She faced many challenges throughout her life with intelligence and bravery.

As a child, Osha was more strong-willed and solitary than her sister Mae. Mae tended to accept all the coven's teachings, but Osha resisted some of them, especially when the witches urged her to stay hidden and protected. She wanted to see the galaxy beyond their hiding place. At one point when Mae said that they were identical, Osha responded that they were very different. Nevertheless, the twins shared a close connection, which they would reaffirm by reciting a mantra together. Years later, when Osha experienced a vision of Mae, they recited the same mantra.

Osha was fascinated by the Jedi from the moment she first saw them, and when given the chance to join the Order, she agreed immediately. But she was haunted by grief and anger over the disaster on Brendok, which made it impossible to continue her Jedi training. Years after leaving the Jedi Order, she still struggled with feelings of inadequacy because she had quit. She was excited by the prospect of rejoining and disappointed that she had to be labeled a civilian. On Khofar, she needed Jecki to remind her that she had survived a lot.

As an adult, Osha had no permanent home but followed available work from one starship to the next. She befriended crewmates like Fillik easily but avoided forming close relationships, embracing the dangerous, rootless, nomadic life of a meknek. Despite all this, she harbored no ill feelings toward the Jedi. She still considered Yord a friend and was grateful to Sol for rescuing her as a child.

Powers and abilities
Osha had received Force training from her coven and been a devoted Padawan, but during her years away from the Order, her Jedi skills faded. She was unable to use telekinesis when she was trying to flee her cell during the Palwick's burning ruination. She could no longer hope to match a Jedi Knight in combat. Still, she maintained her sensitivity to the Force. Her abilities helped her carry out the dangerous work of repairing the hulls of starships in deep space. She experienced visions of her sister and recognized that they came from the Force. As Osha spent more time with Sol and the other Jedi, she began to feel her Force sense returning.

Adept with machines from a young age, Osha was a skilled mechanic who could make her way through different kinds of technical systems, particularly when working in tandem with her droid, Pip.

Growing up on Brendok, Osha and Mae frequently dressed in matching outfits similar to those of the witches of the coven. Young Osha kept a journal where she drew about her dreams of a life beyond her homeworld, including a drawing of a symbol of the Jedi Order. In her room, she kept a pack of useful items that included a tool that she used to escape during the fire.

During her time as a Jedi Padawan, Osha owned her own lightsaber. Upon leaving the Order, she gave up her Jedi weapon.

After she left the Jedi Order, Osha had few possessions and dressed in the utilitarian outfit of a starship mechanic: drab-colored coveralls with a vest and utility belt. As a meknek she wore magnetic grip boots and a spacesuit to work on the exterior of ships in space. Pip was small enough to carry around in a pouch that could attach to her belt. He served Osha as both a one-droid toolkit and her constant companion. Nevertheless, she did not have all the tools necessary to maintain Pip as well as he felt he deserved.

During the mission to Khofar, Osha wore civilian-designated clothing allocated by the Jedi. It was a light grey robe and included a strap to hold her stun blaster as well as a pouch that carried her droid Pip, much like her former meknek uniform. Osha also wore a brown backpack and black gloves with the outfit.

Upon turning to the dark side of the Force, Osha bled the lightsaber of her former Jedi Master Sol and kept the weapon as her own Sith lightsaber.

Comments made about this Article!

09/Aug/2024 05:08:58 Posted by

Shouldn't she get a Dark Side Point for killing Sol?

10/Aug/2024 09:02:07 Posted by Freddy

Good point, and fixed.

I was torn between showing the characters as they were at the start of the series, or at the end.

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