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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Doctor Gorman Vandrayk "Camper"
Homeworld: Arkania
Species: Arkanian Offshoot
Gender: Male
Hair color: White
Eye color: Blue
Skin color: White
Affiliation(s): The Adasca BioMechanical Corporation of Arkania (Formerly)
Move: 10

        Blaster 5D+2
        Brawling Parry 4D+2
        Dodge 6D
        Melee Weapons: 6D
        Melee Parry: 5D+1
        Bureaucracy 5D+1
        Languages 5D
        Planetary Systems 5D+2
        Scholar; Biology: 8D+1
        Scholar; Cybernetics: 8D+2
        Scholar; Engineering: 9D+2
        Streetwise 5D+2
        Survival: 5D
        Bargain 4D+2
        Con: 5D
        Persuasion 4D
        Search: 5D+1
        Sneak: 4D+2
        Brawling 4D+2
        Astrogation 4D+2
        Communications 5D+2
        Sensors 6D+1
        Space Transports 6D
        Starship Gunnery 5D+1
        Starship Shields 5D+2
         Armor Repair: 7D+1
         Blaster Repair: 7D+2
         Computer Programming/Repair: 10D+1
         Droid Programming/Repair: 9D+2
         First Aid: 10D
         Medicine: 7D
         Space Transport Repair: 7D+1
         Security: 8D

Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 4
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 17

Game Notes:
         Camper in his older years became confused and ill due to spores within The Last Resorts life support systems, this led to him often forgetting things although in many ways he was still a genius. When attempting any task if he rolls a 1 on his Wild Dice, then he not only fails in that task but becomes confused as to what he was doing, and cannot complete it as something else has now caught his attention.
         At the very end of his illness he deteriorated so much he would faint completely until he had recovered, at this stage if he rolls a 1 as above, then roll a D6 and if that also comes up a 1 he collapses for D6 Hours.

Special Abilities:
         Infra Red Vision: Arkanians can see into the Infra Red, allowing them a bonus +1D to counter penalties for darkness, however unless they wear blinders under younger hotter suns, they suffer a -1D penalty to visual rolls.
         Body Alteration: It is standard practice for Arkanian Offshoots to have undergone genetic manipulation of their bodies, enhancing them for various roles within Arkanian society. Game Rules: The player chooses 2 attributes, and moves 1D from one of these to the other depending on the role that the Arkanians set for this character or their ancestors. So an Offshoot selected for heavy labor could move 1D from their Knowledge to their Strength, allowing them a 3D maximum Knowledge but a 5D maximum Strength. But could also be used to create technical geniuses, or enhance their senses.

Story Factors:
         Sub-race: The Offshoots were treated as second-class or non-citizens by the baseline Arkanians, and the question over what to do with them was termed the "Offshoot question." Arkoh Adasca planned to use Adascorp's genetic engineering expertise to solve the problem in a generation. Indeed his grandfather, Argaloh Adasca, attempted to exterminate the Offshoots with a plague that ravaged those of advanced age.

Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Comlink, Rugged Clothing, Toolkit, Datapad, Credits 4,000

Description: Doctor Gorman Vandrayk, also known by the nickname "Camper," was an Arkanian Offshoot scientist who went on the run from his former employer, the Arkanian biotechnology giant Adascorp, for over thirty years. Celebrated for his brilliance during his years as a university student and later with Adascorp, Vandrayk's pioneering research into the exogorths—a species of mysterious space slug found in many disparate regions of the galaxy—led him to learn how to control the beasts and direct their movement. Vandrayk's fascination with the exogorths was purely scientific, but when he realized that his bosses at Adascorp were planning on weaponizing the beasts, Vandrayk fled in a junk-hauler called The Last Resort and took his indispensable knowledge with him. During his years on the run, Vandrayk met a young Offshoot named Jarael, who had spent much of her life in a slaving ring and wanted out. Vandrayk helped Jarael escape, and, in return, Jarael promised to protect Vandrayk as he grew more advanced in age. Eventually, the pair settled in the Lower City of the planet Taris, where Vandrayk, known to the world as "Camper," was regarded as an addled tinkerer who occasionally dabbled in rigging old escape pods to conceal wanted fugitives.

Vandrayk and Jarael rarely left their home until 3964 BBY, when an underworld acquaintance of Vandrayk's, a Snivvian criminal named Marn Hierogryph, showed up at The Last Resort with the most wanted man on Taris in tow: Zayne Carrick, a former Jedi Padawan falsely accused in the slayings of his Jedi class. When a large force of law enforcement and several Jedi Masters arrived in search of Carrick, Vandrayk took flight with Jarael, Carrick, and Hierogryph in The Last Resort and escaped pursuit. Although initially at odds, the group eventually grew close, and Vandrayk aided Carrick in his quest to find out exactly why his classmates were slain, and later in saving Carrick from execution when he briefly turned himself in to authorities. After leaving Taris behind, Jarael was mistaken for a Jedi and kidnapped by Mandalorian warriors on the planet Vanquo, during the Mandalorian attack on the planet as part of the Mandalorian Wars with the Galactic Republic. Vandrayk was more than willing to fight the Mandalorians himself to get her back, but with the help of a Mandalorian named Rohlan Dyre, the group rescued Jarael and a number of Jedi captives from a Mandalorian-held station on the planet Flashpoint.

Vandrayk and Jarael still valued their anonymity over everything and parted ways with Carrick and Hierogryph the following year. Yet Vandrayk's health was failing—its cause eventually revealed to be allergens in the air filtration system of The Last Resort, which had not flown in years—and, fearing for her friend's life, Jarael took the ship to Arkania in the hopes that an Arkanian doctor could help him. There, she was discovered by Adascorp, which manipulated her into helping bring Vandrayk back to them. Holding them both aboard Adascorp's mobile headquarters, the Arkanian Legacy, Adascorp head Arkoh Adasca threatened Jarael's safety to force Vandrayk to finish the exogorth project he had abandoned decades earlier so that Adasca could then sell control of the exogorths to the highest bidder in a play to make Adascorp a galactic power. Partially due to the help of Zayne Carrick, who happened to be aboard the Arkanian Legacy as the prisoner of a Republic delegation, Adasca's plot was foiled. After years on the run, Vandrayk got the last laugh, ordering the exogorths to tear the Adascorp ship to pieces and end the Adasca line. With a final holomessage to Jarael, Vandrayk took his leave in The Last Resort, leading the exogorths out into Wild Space so he could remove their implants and let them be what nature intended again.

Personality and traits
By 3964 BBY, Vandrayk was a hermit, a gruff, and direct man who spent his days fiddling with droids and talking to himself, always fearful that Adascorp would eventually find him and ready to run at the first sign of trouble. Even in his days at Adascorp, Vandrayk had a reputation for overlooking small details and often did not finish the jobs that he started. Vandrayk frequently dealt with criminals as he worked to support himself and Jarael, but he held little love for those with whom he came into contact. He especially regarded Marn Hierogryph, whom he referred to as "Snout," as a lowlife. Vandrayk also held distrust and disdain for the Mandalorians, especially Rohlan Dyre. Affected by the allergens in The Last Resort's air filtration system, Vandrayk's mind and body became progressively more addled after he left Taris. Vandrayk's memory began to fail him, and he often could not remember what he had done to which system on The Last Resort—but he still remained sharp enough to remember long number combinations, such as Marn Hierogryph's bank account access code on Telerath.

Vandrayk was fiercely protective of Jarael, his constant companion, as she was of him—Vandrayk tracked Jarael through a locator bracelet she wore on her wrist and was more than willing to fight the Mandalorians himself to save her when they captured her on Vanquo. Vandrayk's first reaction when he realized that Jarael had led Adascorp to him was to immediately faint. Though he hated "the Company," his need to protect Jarael was his weakness, and Adascorp succeeded in forcing him to resume work for them by threatening her life. Vandrayk was fascinated by the exogorths, studying them despite having an idea what the Adascas wanted for them. Vandrayk's interest in the beasts was purely scientific, and he wanted nothing more than to let them "be what they were." Vandrayk despised the entire Adasca line, and that feeling extended to anyone associated with Adascorp, even scientists who filled the same positions he once did. In the end, Vandrayk made the decision to leave Jarael behind for the greater good, trusting in Zayne Carrick, for whom he felt great affection, to take care of her. Vandrayk had white skin, white hair, and blue eyes.

Skills and abilities
Vandrayk was renowned for his aptitude in the fields of biology, cybernetics, and engineering before he had even graduated university, and he was widely regarded as a brilliant scientist during his years at Adascorp. After he fled Adascorp, Vandrayk spent his days tinkering aboard The Last Resort—Vandrayk had intricate knowledge of many types of droids and technological systems. Although many of his creations in those years did not work, Vandrayk succeeded in building such items as Jarael's shockstaff and Zayne Carrick's phrikite vambraces. Vandrayk was extremely skilled with droids. After Carrick found the shattered husk of T1-LB on Taris' rogue moon, Vandrayk completely restored and upgraded the droid, something that Carrick thought only a "miracle worker" could do. Vandrayk was still a skilled pilot even in his old age and, when his head was clear, was capable of planning and executing complex plots. Vandrayk became prone to fainting spells as the years advanced, but he was still spry enough to attack and overcome Rohlan Dyre with Jarael's shockstaff after Jarael was kidnapped on Vanquo.

Comments made about this Article!

18/Aug/2024 04:05:52 Posted by

Medicine is an advanced skill and should have (A) in front of it.

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