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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Old RepublicSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Celeste Morne {as of 4000 bby}
Homeworld: Ossus
Died: 137 ABY, Had Abbadon
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Blue, red (dark side)
Skin color: Light
Affiliation(s): Jedi Order, Jedi Covenant, Covenant Shadow, Galactic Republic
Move: 10

            Blaster: 4D+2
            Brawling Parry: 6D+1
            Dodge: 6D
            LightSaber: 7D+2
            Bargain: 5D
            Bureaucracy: 4D
            Command: 5D
            Con: 6D+1
            Investigation: 6D+1
            Persuasion: 4D+2
            Search: 6D
            Sneak: 8D
            Alien Species: 5D+2
            Cultures: 5D
            Scholar (Jedi Lore): 7D+1
            Scholar (Force Artefacts): 9D
            Languages: 6D+1
            Planetary Systems: 5D+1
            Streetwise: 5D+2
            Survival: 5D
            Tactics: 5D
            Willpower: 7D+1
            Brawling: 7D
            Climbing/Jumping: 5D+1
            Astrogation: 4D
            Communications: 5D+1
            Repulsorlift Operation: 4D+2
            Sensors: 3D+2
            Space Transports: 5D+1
            Starship Gunnery: 4D
            Starship Shields: 3D+2
            Lightsaber Repair: 5D
            Security: 4D+2

        Control 8D+1
        Sense 8D+2
        Alter 8D
Force Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Healing, Concentrate, Control Pain, Detoxify Poison, Emptiness, Enhance Attribute, Force Of Will, Hibernation Trance, Reduce Injury, Remain Conscious, Resist Stun, Short Term Memory Enhancement, Combat Sense, Danger Sense, Instinctive Astrogation, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Sense Force Potential, Sense Path, Telekinesis, Farseeing, Lightsaber Combat, Projective Telepathy, Accelerate Anothers Healing, Control Anothers Pain, Enhance Anothers Attribute, Return Another To Consciousness, Affect Mind, Control Mind, Jedi Battle Meditation, Force Cloak

Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Points: 7
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 12

            Credits: 1,250
                        Jedi Robes, Lightsaber (5D), Comlink, Nomi Sunriders Courier,

Description: Celeste Morne was a Human female Jedi who served the Jedi Covenant as a Covenant Shadow, an agency that consisted of Jedi whose identities were erased from the Order's records. She dedicated herself to the Covenant's cause after the loss of her home and family ties in the Great Sith War. In 3963 BBY the Covenant assigned Morne a mission to retrieve the Muur Talisman, an artifact owned generations prior by the Sith Lord Karness Muur that gave the wearer control over the mutant rakghoul creatures. Furthermore, Morne was tasked to bring fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick to justice. Over the course of her mission, however, she came to doubt Carrick's culpability in the Padawan Massacre of Taris, for which he had been implicated by the members of the First WatchCircle of the Covenant.

As she fought through the obstructions to her mission, including the unexpected outbreak of the Rakghoul Plague on the planet Jebble and her own doubts about Carrick, Morne fell under the possession of the Muur Talisman. In order to protect the galaxy from herself, Morne allowed Carrick to seal her in Dreypa's Oubliette.

Personality and traits
The devastation of Morne's early life during the Old Sith Wars fostered in her a hatred of the Sith that led her to join the Jedi in order to dedicate her life to guarding against the return of the Sith. However, believing that the Jedi Order had relaxed their vigilance, Morne was convinced that the Covenant was correct in its mission to eliminate the agents of the dark side through whatever means were necessary. Even after learning of the corruption of the Covenant from Carrick, and throughout the millennia bound to the Muur Talisman, her hatred of the Sith and devotion to eradicating their existence never faded.

As a Shadow, Morne served as a sleeper agent for the Covenant, going about her daily life while waiting for the next assignment, many of which led to the nastier places in the galaxy and served to shape her rough personality. Morne had little patience once on a mission, as her energies were focused on completing the assignment given to her. During her search for the Muur Talisman, she expressed her irritation with Carrick and Hierogryph's bickering—by regularly insulting them—from the moment that she met them in the Tarisian Undercity, on their flight aboard the Mar'eyce, and in the Ice Citadel on Jebble.

Morne had a sense of justice, in addition to respect and compassion for life, and she did not kill a being unless it was necessary. In the Undercity of Taris, she was unable to kill a Rakghoul Plague–infected Constable Sowrs until the woman had transformed into the beast. Moreover, she found herself unable to follow orders and kill Zayne Carrick once she began to doubt that he was responsible for the Padawan murders on Taris after she witnessed Carrick go out of his way to protect Cassus Fett's Mandalorian fleet from the Rakghoul Plague. Upon meeting Skywalker and Azlyn Rae after they had been exposed to the plague, Morne stayed with them during the illness' progression, telling the two that she would give them a quick and merciful death. Nevertheless, Morne also had a pragmatic and calculating approach to life, realizing that certain situations and actions were unavoidable. After assuming command of the Iron Sun and transforming the crew into rakghouls, Morne allowed the creatures to cannibalize each other for nourishment once the supplies of food had run out.

The strength of her iron will, and her devotion to protecting the galaxy from the Sith, compelled Morne to sacrifice herself for the greater good. In Pulsipher's laboratory on Jebble, she had drawn the Muur Talisman away from Carrick in order to save him, for Morne sensed that she, not Carrick, was strong enough to withstand whatever the Talisman held. Furthermore, after realizing that she was a threat—by virtue of being bonded with the Talisman—Morne allowed herself to be sealed in Dreypa's Oubliette, even while knowing that it would be a torture chamber for her.

While Morne did not make friends, she did become allies with people who made an impression on her, giving them her trust. Zayne Carrick had made an impression on her while they were on Jebble, and before she was sealed in the oubliette, Morne asked him to transport her to the Covenant's secret storehouse for Sith artifacts on Odryn, where she hoped that researchers would be able to help her. She trusted him to somehow find a way to help her affliction and gave him her key to the storehouse.

Powers and abilities
As a Shadow, Celeste Morne was trained to live her life as a sleeper agent for the Covenant, living her daily life until summoned for a mission. She was secretive and unorthodox, taking pains to avoid dressing as a Jedi, and she rarely used her lightsaber in public. In order to fulfill her duty and follow the Covenant's mandate in using all means necessary to bring about a successful conclusion to an assignment, Morne was skilled in using many forms of subterfuge, both with the Force and without. Fluent in the Bocce language, Morne also developed an ability to move quietly in many types of environments, such as the Undercity on Taris, and the ice fields of Jebble.

During combat, Morne was skilled in using a lightsaber, often using the Force to gain a small height advantage over her enemies and to augment the strength of her blows.

Furthermore, she was talented with the use of telekinesis, using the Force power to hurl enemies and objects away from her.

Calling upon her Force powers, Morne was proficient in persuading or confusing her enemies and opponents into following her commands; these actions could include performing a specific action, as she did with Pulsipher aboard the Mar'eyce, or clouding an individual's perception so as to be able to move about undetected, a form of Force cloak referred to as Force Haze. Likewise, Morne could communicate with individuals through the Force.

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