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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Old RepublicSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Feln
Homeworld: Odryn
Died: 3963 BBY, Odryn
Species: Feeorin
Gender: Male
Hair color: None
Eye color: Orange
Skin color: Blue
Affiliation(s): Jedi Order, Jedi Covenant, First WatchCircle
Apprentices: Oojoh
Move: 10

            Blaster: 4D+2
            Brawling Parry: 7D
            Dodge: 6D+1
            Lightsaber: 7D
            Command: 4D+2
            Hide: 4D+1
            Persuasion: 4D+2
            Search: 5D
            Languages: 4D+1
            Law Enforcement; Feeorin Law: 5D+1
            Scholar; Jedi Lore: 5D
            Scholar; Feeorin History: 5D+1
            Streetwise: 4D+1
            Tactics: 4D+1
            Willpower: 4D+1
            Brawling: 7D+2
            Climbing/Jumping: 4D+2
            Astrogation: 4D
            Beast Riding: 5D+2
            Communications: 3D+2
            Repulsorlift Operation: 4D+1
            Space Transports: 4D+1
            Lightsaber Repair: 5D
            Security: 4D+2

Special Abilities:
        Low-Light Vision: Feeorin can see twice as far as a human in dim light.
Endurance: Due to their high level of endurance, Feeorin may re-roll any failed stamina roll once.

Force Skills:
            Control: 7D+1
            Sense: 10D
            Alter: 7D+2
Force Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Healing, Concentration, Control Pain, Enhance Attribute, Hibernation Trance, Resist Stun, Combat Sense, Danger Sense, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Telekinesis, Lightsaber Combat, Projective Telepathy, Accelerate Anothers Healing, Control Anothers Pain, Affect Mind, Projected Fighting, Lesser Force Shield, Sense Path, Instinctive Astrogation, Farseeing

Story Factors:
        Bad Reputation: On worlds where they have settled, Feeorin characters may be regarded as evil or dangerous based on their species alone.


Equipment: 250 Credits, Armoured Robes (+1D to resist Physical Damage, +2 to resist Energy Damage), Comlink, Utility Belt, Rugged Lightsaber (5D damage, +2D to resist damage to itself)

Description: Feln was a famed Feeorin warrior who left his homeworld behind to become a Jedi Master and one of the most renowned seers of his day. Perhaps the most successful war chief in Feeorin history, Feln conquered and unified all the neighboring tribes on his native Odryn, eventually rising to the place of Exalted among his people, a title belonging to the oldest, and therefore strongest, of the Feeorin. After winning many great triumphs, Feln was found to be Force-sensitive by a Jedi scout, and left Odryn to submit to Jedi training. Feln's exceptional talent for precognition earned him the immediate attention of Jedi Master Krynda Draay, who taught prospective seers at her estate on Coruscant. Feln went on to become a Jedi Master and a member of the Jedi Covenant, a secret order of seers founded by Draay that kept watch for the return of the Sith and gathered dark side artifacts for catalogue and containment. For this, Feln volunteered the sacred Sanctum of the Exalted on Odryn to serve as a storehouse for Sith trinkets, breaking many long-held Feeorin laws. In the years before the Mandalorian Wars, Feln and four other Jedi Masters—comprising the Covenant's First WatchCircle—were each assigned to the Outer Rim world of Taris, where they each trained Padawans of their own: Feln taught a young Ho'Din named Oojoh.

In 3964 BBY, the final stages of their apprentices' training were interrupted by a traumatic vision: together, Feln and the First WatchCircle foresaw their deaths and the seeming destruction of the Jedi Order, all at the hands of a shadowy figure they interpreted to be one of their students. Swearing to never let this future come to pass, Feln and his fellows massacred their apprentices at a false Knighting ceremony in the Taris Jedi Tower—however, the last of the Padawans, Zayne Carrick, managed to escape with the help of local criminal Marn Hierogryph. Carrick repeatedly eluded the Covenant's clutches, and after fellow WatchCircle member Raana Tey was killed trying to apprehend him, Feln made it one of his personal goals to avenge his friend's death and eliminate the fugitive Padawan. Ironically, it was on his homeworld of Odryn that Feln finally tracked Carrick down, as he had been led to the Sanctum of the Exalted in his efforts to expose the Covenant's shadowy operations. After a wild chase and fight, Feln obliterated the Sanctum with previously-set charges to prevent its secrets from leaving Odryn. This turned out to be Feln's final mistake—the destruction of the Feeorins' most sacred place led Feln's people to turn on him, and the Jedi Master was ripped to shreds in the ruins of his home village.

Personality and traits
Rough-and-tumble in his approach to life, Feln was known as the experienced warhorse of the Jedi Covenant, as he was easily the oldest member of the First WatchCircle and had built his reputation as a celebrated warrior before joining the Jedi Order. Although Feln purposely kept elements of his past shrouded in mystery, he became close with the other members of the Covenant, especially Lucien Draay, who became one of his closest friends—a wisecracker with a wry sense of humor, Feln tried in vain for years to get the humorless Draay to crack a smile. Feln also felt a closeness to Raana Tey, and deeply wanted to be the one to personally avenge her death by taking out Zayne Carrick, whom he took part in mocking during his days as an apprentice, and whom he greatly enjoyed torturing when he was briefly captive on Odryn.

Over time, Feln came to be more loyal to the Jedi Covenant than he was to his own people. Although he continued to hold the role of Exalted among the Feeorin, Feln became increasingly invisible on his homeworld and flouted the Feeorins' ancient rules and traditions to further the Covenant's aims, including allowing outsiders to enter the Sanctum of the Exalted and later—albeit reluctantly—destroying the structure entirely. Feln believed he was above the rules entirely, and attempted to change them to fit his liking while on Odryn. This was mostly to satiate his bloodlust for Zayne Carrick, as Feln immediately shifted the blame for his decision to destroy the Sanctum to the renegade apprentice after initially regretting it. Feln was a ruthless pragmatist, ready to do what needed to be done at a moment's notice, and trusted in his visions to the point that he was immediately ready to kill his apprentice moments after foreseeing his death on the rogue moon.

Feln had blue skin and orange eyes, with tendrils coming off of his head in place of hair.

Powers and abilities
A hulking, powerful giant compared to the rest of his fellows in the Jedi Covenant, Feln was a formidable warrior who also possessed considerable natural talent in precognition, something that came in extremely handy during his days as a warrior on Odryn. As a Jedi Consular, Feln focused primarily on cerebral Force skills, with which he was a natural—although Jedi were unheard of among his people, his talent was such that renowned teacher Krynda Draay jumped at the chance to train him. Despite his focus as a seer, Feln certainly never ran from a fight, and as with all Feeorin, his power increased with age. Feln was legendary as a warrior on his home planet, drawing on his unacknowledged Force power to conquer all the neighboring Feeorin tribes and unite them under his banner, a feat that cemented his place as one of the most formidable fighters to ever hold the title of Exalted. However, his close friend Lucien Draay managed to defeat him in training battles on Coruscant, and he proved frustrated by Zayne Carrick's hit-and-run tactics in their final battle on Odryn. Feln was an able rider of the khadarok, a type of furry, horned beast often used by the Feeorin.

Feln wielded a green-bladed lightsaber with a brown handle, although he found it to be out of reach in the last moments of his life, as Marn Hierogryph stole the weapon to help save his friend Zayne Carrick's life. As a Jedi Master, Feln wore armored robes with a red cape.

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