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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Old RepublicSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Borjak
Homeworld: Odryn
Species: Feeorin
Gender: Male
Eye color: Yellow
Skin color: Blue
Move: 10

         Blaster: 5D
         Brawling Parry: 8D+2
         Dodge: 7D+2
         Grenade: 5D+1
         Melee Combat: 5D+2
         Melee Parry: 5D
         Command: 5D+2
         Search: 6D
         Sneak: 5D+2
         Intimidation: 5D+1
         Languages: 3D+2
         Law Enforcement; Feeorin Law: 5D+2
         Scholar; Feeorin History: 5D+1
         Streetwise: 3D+2
         Survival: 6D
         Tactics: 5D+2
         Brawling: 8D
         Climbing/Jumping: 6D+2
         Beast Riding: 6D
         Repulsorlift Operation: 3D+2
         First Aid: 3D+2

Special Abilities:
        Low-Light Vision: Feeorin can see twice as far as a human in dim light.
Endurance: Due to their high level of endurance, Feeorin may re-roll any failed stamina roll once.

Story Factors:
        Bad Reputation: On worlds where they have settled, Feeorin characters may be regarded as evil or dangerous based on their species alone.

         CREDITS - 50
                 Blaster Rifle (5D Damage), Knife (Str+1D Damage), Rugged Clothing


Description: Borjak was a Feeorin warrior from the planet Odryn who in 3963 BBY ascended to the revered position of Exalted among his people. Over three centuries old by the time of the Mandalorian Wars, Borjak was a close comrade and lieutenant to the famed Feeorin warrior Feln, who became a Jedi Master and the Feeorin's Exalted, a title belonging to the oldest and therefore strongest of the species. Although Borjak came to resent the Exalted's disdain for the Feeorin's ancient traditions after Feln joined the Jedi Order, Borjak faithfully did his duty protecting Odryn's sacred Sanctum of the Exalted, which Feln had controversially opened to members of the secretive Jedi cabal known as the Jedi Covenant as a storehouse for Sith artifacts. In 3963 BBY, Borjak captured a pair of wanted Republic fugitives, Zayne Carrick and Marn Hierogryph, trying to sneak out of the Sanctum—Feln had been pursuing the two to cover his involvement in a high-profile massacre of several Jedi students on Taris. Feln arrived and prepared to execute the two captives, but Borjak stepped in and convinced Feln to honor Feeorin tradition and challenge Carrick to hand-to-hand combat. After a wild chase and fight, Feln, believing that Carrick's friends had come to raid the Sanctum, panicked and blew the structure to pieces to prevent knowledge of what was happening there from leaking out. The act was such a transgression that it led Borjak to turn on and kill Feln, taking the mantle of Exalted for himself.

Personality and traits
Characteristic of his species, the gruff and rough Feeorin warrior Borjak was distrustful of outsiders, with his disdain for offworlders only overridden by his respect for the word of the Exalted. Although Feln was a long-time comrade of his and he was bound to follow his kinsman's bidding, Borjak still bemoaned what had become of Odryn since Feln's departure for the Jedi Order, and vocally criticized Feln to friends and offworlders alike. Over three hundred years old by the time of the Mandalorian Wars, Borjak paid great heed to the ancient Feeorin traditions and was taken aback when Feln broke the Rime Feeorin, seeing it as the reason why the skies over Odryn had become so furious in recent years. Despite his opposition toward Feln's actions and attitude, Borjak still faithfully did his duty, although he did not fear standing up to the Exalted to make sure tradition was being followed. Eventually his respect for Feeorin tradition proved more important to him than Feln's standing—once the Sanctum was destroyed, Borjak decided that it was his turn to change the rules, and he showed no hesitation in striking Feln down. Along the way, Borjak developed a grudging respect for Zayne Carrick despite his chilliness towards offworlders, although Borjak still actively tried to shun all connection to the Jedi after Feln's death. Borjak's muscular blue-skinned frame was covered in scars earned in a long life as a warrior, and the Feeorin also had yellow eyes.

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