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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: SithSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Haazen
Died: 3963 BBY, Coruscant
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Hair color: Black, then dark gray
Eye color: Blue, Yellow (dark side), Red (prosthesis)
Skin color: Light
Cybernetics: Yoke of Seeming, Prosthetic right eye, Right arm, Legs
Affiliation(s): Jedi Order (formerly), Jedi Covenant, Galactic Republic (formerly), Brotherhood of the Sith
Masters: Arca Jeth (Jedi Master)
Apprentices: Lucien Draay (Informal Jedi Apprentice)
Move: 10

Dexerity: 3D
           Brawling Parry: 6D
           Dodge: 8D+1
           Lightsaber: 8D+2
           Melee Combat: 7D
           Melee Parry: 7D+1
Knowledge: 4D
           Alien Species: 6D
           Bureaucracy: 9D
           Business: 8D
           Cultures: 6D+2
           Intimidate: 8D
           Languages: 5D
           Scholar; Jedi Lore: 8D
           Scholar; Sith Lore: 7D+2
           Planetary Systems: 5D
           Tactics: 7D+2
           Streetwise: 5D+2
           Survival: 6D
           Willpower: 9D
Perception: 3D+1
           Bargain: 5D+2
           Command: 6D
           Con: 12D
           Hide: 6D
           Search: 7D+1
           Sneak: 5D
Strength: 2D+2
           Brawling: 6D+1
           Climbing/Jumping: 5D
Mechanical: 2D
           Astrogation: 5D
           RepulsorLift Operation: 5D
           Space Transports: 5D+2
Technical: 2D
           Computer Programming/Repair: 5D+2
           Lightsaber Repair: 6D
           Security: 8D

Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Points: 12
Dark Side Points: 14
Character Points: 18

Special Abilities:
           Control: 8D (enhanced by Reconstruction)
           Sense: 9D (enhanced by Reconstruction)
           Alter: 7D (enhanced by Reconstruction)
Force Powers: Lightsaber combat, Force Lighting, Resist Poison, Cure Poison, Affect Mind, Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Healing, Control Pain, Detoxify Poison, Emptiness, Enhance Attribute, Hibernation Trance, Reduce Injury, Remain Conscious, Resist Stun, Telekinesis, Injure/Kill, Inflict Pain, Combat Sense, Danger Sense, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Sense Force

Equipment: Lightsaber (5D), Robes, Comlink, Datapad, Yoke of Seeming, Gauntlet of Kressh the Younger, Sword of Ieldis

Description: Haazen was a failed Padawan-turned Sith Acolyte who lived during the time of the Great Sith War and Mandalorian Wars. Alongside his best friend Barrison Draay, whose family Haazen's own had served as stewards and retainers for generations, Haazen was a student of Jedi Master Arca Jeth and a close friend of Krynda Hulis, Barrison's future wife.

Though he failed to achieve Knighthood, Haazen continued to serve the Order as a field mortician during the Great Sith War. Eventually, Haazen betrayed the Jedi and participated in a Sith conspiracy that resulted in the death of countless Jedi, including his liege. However, Haazen suffered many injuries in the process. His dark thoughts well hidden, Haazen aided Krynda, now the mother of Barrison's son in forming her secret organization for the purpose of preventing the return of the Sith, serving her faithfully until he could wrest control of the Covenant from her and set his own plans in motion. Around that time, Haazen had been the mentor and confidant of Lucien Draay.

When Krynda became critically ill, Haazen hid her and became the acting leader of the Covenant in her stead, pulling the strings on Lucien and his comrades into his control, having all but his old student killed one by one. But as he finally came close in taking control of the Jedi Order, Haazen was defeated by Lucien and his former Padawan, Zayne Carrick.

Personality and traits
Before and during the Sith War, Haazen was undisciplined and predictable in his actions to both friend and foe. According to Master Arca Jeth, he was unfocused and haphazard in his pursuits, allowing his emotions to constantly get the better of him. These obvious flaws caused Haazen to develop a great amount of jealousy and resentment towards Barrison Draay for performing better in his Jedi training and winning the affections of Krynda Hulis, allowing his actions to be even more easily interpreted.

It was only after the end of the Great Sith War and (ironically) embracing the dark side that Haazen finally learned to control his emotions. He adopted a calm and collected demeanor which belied his malevolent, power hungry, and ruthlessly manipulative true nature. Using the Yoke of Seeming to his advantage, Haazen readily clouded his intentions by offsetting his Force presence to aid his personality facade and even enable him to strike without warning.

Krynda Draay
Haazen showed some feelings for Krynda Hulis and even became jealous when Barrison Draay got to her first and married her. But this affection seemingly evaporated when he had become Sith. She greatly appreciated his help for bringing the Covenant together with her, causing him to feel some surprise, as if he still felt for her.

As Krynda became ill, Haazen did not hesitate to place her in stasis to prolong her life for a little while longer. It did not stop him, however, to take advantage of her absence to control her son and the rest of the Covenant for his plans.

Powers and abilities
Haazen's Force abilities were weak at best, described as awkward. After his "reconstruction," his body was implanted with various pieces of Sith antiquity and equipment. These artifacts enhanced his Force abilities and allowed him to compensate for this disability. His search for more Sith artifacts gave Haazen a working knowledge of Sith Magic, allowing him to tap into the hidden powers of each artifact he wielded, such as the Gauntlet of Kressh the Younger, which granted him the power to repel anyone who tried to touch him.

Another Sith artifact Haazen utilized was the Yoke of Seeming, which clouded the Jedi's perception of his intentions and true nature, allowing him to live amongst them without being discovered to be a Dark Jedi for many years. In addition to Sith Sorcery, Haazen was capable of producing Force lightning that was strong enough to kill multiple Jedi with a single blast. His strength in the dark side of the Force allowed him to influence Jedi Master-level individuals like Lucien Draay into doing his bidding. Haazen seemed to have a basic knowledge in the use of telekinesis, such as moving lightsabers to and from certain individuals like he did with Lucien Draay and Zayne Carrick.

As a Jedi Padawan, Haazen used a single, blue bladed lightsaber, which he wielded to little effect, being bested even by non Force-sensitive opponents, such as Dossa. During the same fight, Haazen's lightsaber was stolen by Dossa. This incident, as well as several other flaws in his character, caused Haazen to not be Knighted, and therefore no longer allowed to wield the prestigious weapon of the Jedi.

After his deformation in the trap that he himself arranged, Haazen constructed a Sith lightsaber using synthetic crystals that gave his blade the characteristic "bloodshine" glow. This weapon appeared to be constructed using the same material that his prosthetic arm was fabricated from, mimicking the replacements grisly aesthetic. As Haazen returned to the Jedi Order, and was still not permitted to possess a lightsaber, he hid his weapon in the handle of a walking cane he used to feign weakness. This saber would remain concealed until the events of Vindication where a team of Jedi attempted to arrest him. Apparently his skill with the blade had improved drastically in the interim, as he struck the three Jedi down with ease. Haazen would later pass this lightsaber to Lucien Draay, who used it in his duel with Zayne Carrick.

Comments made about this Article!

16/Sep/2024 02:28:22 Posted by

The way he played himself as a cripple for years, you got wonder if Palpatine drew some inspiration from him and took a few acting pointers from him.

16/Sep/2024 02:34:47 Posted by

I think you need to check over the powers and streamline them. You got cure poison, detoxify poison, and resist poison - 3 powers dealing with curing poison when there's only detoxify poison.

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