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Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: Space StationEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Jervo's World
Region: Core Worlds, Dolomar sector
System: Panto system
Planet: Pantolomin
Grid square: K-9
Role(s): Orbital arena complex
Affiliation: Lhosan Industries
Owner(s): Lhosan Industries
Points of interest: Hall of Champions

Description: Jervo's World was a name given to a large network of swoopdueling arenas above Pantolomin owned by Lhosan Industries. It was named after its owner, Jervo Thalien.

The station consisted of 12 satellite arenas connected to the central Hub and each other by 24 scream tubes. The arena pods themselves were quite large, suggesting the massive nature of the whole station.

Places of Interest
Hall of Champions
The Hall of Champions was located on Jervo's World, a large network of swoop-dueling arenas above Pantolomin owned by Lhosan Industries. It was a biggest swoop-bike course of its time and a subject of extreme interest of swoop bike fans. Major Tarrance, the D'qell Sisters and Goethar Kleej had rode there.

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