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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Aubin Kleej
Species: Gotal
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brown
Affiliation(s): Franchise
Move: 10

         Dodge: 4D
         Brawling Parry: 3D
         Persuasion: 3D+2
         Search: 4D
         Sneak 4D+1
        Climbing/Jumping: 4D+1
        Swim: 4D+1
         Repulsorlift Operation: 2D+2
         Swoop Operation: 3D
         Repulsorlift Repair: 3D

Special Abilities:
        Energy Sensitivity: Because Gotals are unusually sensitive to radiation emissions, they receive a +3D to their Search skill when hunting such targest that are within 10 kilometers in open areas (such as deserts and open plains). When in crowded areas (such as cities and dense jungles) the bonus drops to +1D and the range drops to less than one kilometers. However, in areas with intense radiation, Gotals suffer a -1D penalty to Search because their senses are overwhelmed by radiation static. Aubin has not been trained to resist background radiation emissions when near technology, so suffers a -2D penalty whenever near any technology, and is in a state of near constant pain and distress.
        Mood Detection: Because of their skills at reading the electromagnetic auras of other, Gotals receive bonuses (or penalties) when engaging in interactive skills with other characters. The Gotal makes a Moderate Perception roll and adds the following bonus to all Perception skills when making opposed rolls for the rest of that encounter.

Roll Misses Difficulty By: ---------- Penalty:
                        6 or more -------------- -3D
                        2-5 ----------------------- -2D
                        1 -------------------------- -1D
Roll Beats Difficulty By: ------------ Bonus:
                        0-7 ------------------------ +1D
                        8-14 ---------------------- +2D
                        15 or more ------------- +3D

        Fast Initiative: Gotals who are not suffering from radiation static receive a +1D when rolling initiative against non-Gotal opponents. This is due to their ability to read the emotions and intentions of others.

Story Factors:
        Droid Hate: Gotals dislike droids because the emissions produced by droids overwhelm their special senses. They receive a-1 D to all
Perception-based skill rolls when within three meters of a droid.
        Reputation: Because of the Gotal's reputation as being overly sensitive to moods and feelings, other species are uncomfortable dealing with them.. Assign modifiers as appropriate.

         Street Clothes, 20 Credits


Description: Aubin Kleej, nicknamed the Goethar's Shame, was a male Gotal and the son of a famous swoop-duelist Goethar Kleej.

Aubin's mother was killed when he was young by the slavers of The Crucible. Like his father, Aubin was forced to train to become swoop-duelist for the Franchise. Growing up on the "farm" where the duelists trained, he wasn't raised around other Gotals, so nobody taught him to filter out the electromagnetic signals they received through their head-cones. As a result, every day was a struggle with madness for him.

In 3963 BBY the Franchise decided to put him on the dueling ring on Jervo's world above Pantolomin, where his father, not knowing that his son was near him, tried to tell the public the truth about the conditions under which the duelists on the "farm" trained. As the company anticipated that move, his speech was replaced with a pre-recorded one and he was threatened to be brought back to the farm unless he co-operated again. Goethar was shown the holo of his son on the dueling ring and Bardron explained that though he was very inexperienced, the players were instructed to avoid him to allow the son of the famous Goethar Kleej to advance. Goethar agreed to co-operate and asked to be placed on the ring next to his son. However, he was put in the last qualifier and Aubin was placed in the round with Zayne Carrick, whom Goethar asked, rather threatening, to keep Aubin in play and alive. With incredible luck, Zayne and Aubin managed to make through to the tandem finals.

Later, Carrick compared Gotal's natural ability to receive electromagnetic signal with the Force and tried to teach Aubin to filter out unwanted signals. During the finals of the Tandem Open Zayne Carrick helped Aubin and his father escape the arena in the stolen trash bin.

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