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MA37 Assault Rifle

MA37 Assault Rifle

Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: Old RepublicSubtype: PlanetsEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Wor Tandell
Region: Core Worlds
Sector: Dolomar sector
System: Tandell system
Suns: 2
Grid square: K-9
Class: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Breathable
Climate: Tropical
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Jungle, Oceans
Surface water: 35%
Points of interest: Cuvir's Mansion
Fauna: Tandreed
Other species: Human
Major cities: Gantra Lea (capital)
Affiliation: Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire

Description: Wor Tandell was the primary planet of the Tandell system in the Dolomar sector. Its surface was covered with an array of oceans and landmasses.

Wor Tandell was located in the Dolomar sector and was part of the Core Worlds. It was mostly an oceanic and tropical planet with vast jungles located on its surface. The Tandreed was a native animal of these jungles.

The planet housed many urban settlements as well of which the capital was Gantra Lea. It served as the primary spaceport and commercial hub of Wor Tandell. Most of its inhabitants were immigrated Humans.

In 3963 BBY a Republic Hammerhead-class cruiser Testament made a stop on the planet, while Captain Telettoh and Jedi General Malak were looking for Zayne Carrick and his band of renegades.

Imperial Governor Lord Cuvir had a mansion on the planet. While serving as the Governor's personal physician, surgical droid 2-1B accompanied Lord Cuvir to his mansion. There, he witnessed Cuvir's assassination at the hands of an aide, secretly working for the Rebel Alliance. 2-1B accepted the Rebel agent's request to join the Rebellion.

Places of Interest
Gantra Lea
Gantra Lea was a provincial capital town on the planet Wor Tandell. In 3963 BBY a Republic Hammerhead-class cruiser Testament made a stop on the planet, while it's commander Captain Telettoh and Jedi General Malak were looking for Zayne Carrick and his band of renegades.

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