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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: CrucibleSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Chantique
Homeworld: Osadia
Born: c. 3990 BBY, Osadia
Died: 3963 BBY, Osadia
Species: Zeltron, with Arkanian and Sephi genes
Gender: Female
Hair color: White
Eye color: Orange
Skin color: Red
Parent(s): Demagol, Sibyl
Affiliation(s): Mandalorians, New Generation Project, The Crucible

        Blaster 5D+2
        Brawling Parry 6D+2
        Dodge 7D
        Melee Weapons 7D+2
        Melee Parry 6D
        Throwing Weapons 6D
        Languages 4D
        Planetary Systems 5D+2
        Scholar (Crucible Lore) 4D+1
        Streetwise 6D
        Survival 5D
        Con 6D+2
        Hide 5D
        Persuasion 5D+1
        Sneak 7D
        Brawling 6D+2
        Climbing/Jumping 5D
        Repulsorlift Operation 4D
        Security 5D+1

Special Abilities:
        Attraction Pheromones: Exuding special pheromones and with limited telepathic abilities, Zeltron increase their persuasion skill +1D.
        MInor Telepath: In a direct Perception vs Willpower test, Zeltrons can read a targets emotions, their ability to send emotions is covered by their Persuasion bonus above.
        High Metabolism + Second Liver: Zeltron have naturally high metabolisms, which somewhat leads to their reputation as hedonists, as they tend to eat and drink to slight excess. However their high metabolisms mean that except in very rare cases they remain in good physical condition, and shrug off the effects of intoxicants quickly.

Story Factors:
        Gullible: Zeltron have a reputation for being extremely gullible, which given their minor telepathic abilities seems unlikely, it is more likely that their natural instinct to make people happy made them play along with anyone trying to trick or con them.
        Familiarity: Their natural attractiveness, and minor telepathic powers led to
a tendency to look familiar to other people, even if they had never met them.
        Hedonists: Because of their high metabolisms and second liver, Zeltron generally eat and drink to what seems like excess to other species, but is natural and required by them to maintain a health weight and feel any effects of intoxicants. This led to them getting a reputation as hedonists, especially given their friendly and highly sexualised behaviour.

Force Powers:
        Control: 2D
        Sense: 2D
        Alter: 2D
Force Skills: Chantique manifested weak Force powers spontaneously, manipulating people with Affect Mind, using a lightsaber etc, these powers gave her small advantages, but she used them instinctively rather than knowing she was using the Force. The Gamesmaster can give her any powers he feels that are right in a situation.

Force Sensitve: Y
Force Points: 3
Dark Side Points: 4
Character Points: 4
Move: 10
Equipment: 1,200 Credits, Street Clothes, Whip (Str+1D damage), Concealed Blaster Pistol (4D), Comlink

Description: Chantique was a female Zeltron slave who lived during the Mandalorian Wars and eventually rose to become the leader of the Crucible, a massive slaving organization. Born Kessarah around 3990 BBY on the Core World of Osadia, she spent much of her childhood at the New Generation Academy, where her father, Antos Wyrick, attempted to genetically-engineer Force-sensitive infants on behalf of the Mandalorian warrior clans. Kessarah was one of the first test subjects conceived, but was considered a mentally-unstable failure by Wyrick, particularly after the birth of Edessa, an Arkanian Offshoot test subject who proved to be the embodiment of Wyrick's vision. Kessarah was subsequently given to the Crucible as a slave in exchange for additional prospective Arkanian Offshoot parents.

As a slave, Kessarah was forced to combat other captives in the fight pits maintained by the Crucible. She proved victorious time and again, and around the age of fifteen, she was assigned by her masters to preside over the fights of younger slaves. As their Overseer, she brutally enforced the Crucible's will and threw captured younglings into deadly combat against one another. She earned the name "Chantique," which meant "destroyer" in the ancient language of the Crucible. Chantique was eventually challenged by one of the children she minded—the young Edessa, who was among the New Generation Academy younglings that had been captured by the Crucible not long after Chantique had been given to the organization. She was stabbed in the back and left to die by Edessa, by whom she was replaced as Overseer, while the Zeltron was returned to the slave pits and sold to a buyer in the Outer Rim Territories. During that time, Chantique discovered that she was indeed Force-sensitive, and used her new power to heal her wounds and murder her masters. She lived on the Rim for a time, but eventually made her way back to the Crucible to reclaim her old job as Overseer and exact revenge on Edessa.

To Chantique's dismay, Edessa had fled the Crucible and gone into hiding, but the Zeltron swore that she would one day kill her old enemy. Meanwhile, she went about reclaiming her lost status, eventually becoming the Magister Impressor of the Crucible, overseeing the induction of new "recruits" and the placement of those who progressed beyond the fight pits. Once a year after her assumption of that title, she executed one of the New Generation students on Osadia as an act of revenge against her father and Edessa. In 3963 BBY, Chantique learned that her enemy, now known as "Jarael," was working with former Jedi fugitive Zayne Carrick to free slaves that the Crucible had sold to the Franchise and Sungrazer cooperative. Shortly after, Carrick attempted to infiltrate and bring the organization down from within, but was instead discovered by Chantique and manipulated into believing that Jarael had been as sadistic a slave driver as she. Chantique later experienced a Force vision of Jarael's imminent return to Osadia without Carrick, and the Zeltron planned to finally confront her nemesis. During the duel, Chantique learned that Jarael was accompanied to the planet by Antos Wyrick, and left her to hunt him down and take his life. Wyrick instead attacked, stabbing her in the back and leaving her to die. Chantique survived and attempted to kill her father once more, but died when the double-bladed lightsaber he tried to defend himself with activated at both ends. The two blades impaled father and daughter, ending both lives.

Powers and abilities
In the eyes of her father, Antos Wyrick, Chantique was unremarkable and untalented. To the contrary, the Zeltron girl exhibited very little refined talent in her youth, but had in fact inherited her father's previously-unrealized Force-sensitivity. She was unaware of this ability and used her own martial prowess to thrive in the slave pits of the Crucible in her early years. After being stabbed by Jarael, Chantique discovered her innate Force talents and used them to heal her wounds and overpower her owners. Her rage and desire to see others in pain during that time led her to become immersed in the dark side of the Force.

Her Force abilities after that point continued to mature, and she became proficient in the art of influencing the minds of others. Through subtle mental manipulation, she was nearly able to convince the renegade Jedi Zayne Carrick that Jarael was not to be trusted. He originally interpreted her actions as typical Zeltron seduction, but she was indeed attempting to direct his thoughts. She later experienced a vivid premonition that directed her toward Osadia. During the confrontation on the planet, Chantique was able to sense the corruptive influences of Exar Kun's lightsaber and was drawn to the weapon. Upon attaining it, her powers were amplified and she was able to project a powerful wave of Force energy that threw Carrick and Jarael across a New Generation schoolroom.

Even without the use of the Force, Chantique was a formidable opponent. The slaver was proficient in the use of a lengthy whip, and she used that weapon to murder Jervo Thalien. After Jarael destroyed her whip with Kun's lightsaber, Chantique armed herself with a club and landed several serious blows against her attacker. A tenacious survivor, Chantique survived two stabbings directly in the back and brutal beatings at the hands of her owners, Jarael, and her father.

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