Name: Ugor
Designation: Sentient
Skin color: Green
Distinctions: Blob-like
Attribute Dice: 12D
Dex: 2D/4D*
Know: 2D/4D*
Mech: 2D/4D*
Perc: 2D/4D*
Str: 2D/4D*
Tech: 2D/4D*
Special Abilities:
*Amorphous: Normal Ugors have a total of 12D in attributes. Because they are amorphous beings, they can shift around the attributes as is necessary - forming pseudopodia into a bunch of eyestalks to examine something, for example, would increase the Ugors perception. However, no attribute may be greater than 4D, and the rest must be allocated accordingly. Adjusting attributes can only be done once per round, but it may be done as many times during an adventure as the player wants - but, in combat, it must be declared when other actions are being declared, even though it does not count as an action (and, hence, does not make other actions more difficult to perform during that round). Ugors also learn skills at double their normal costs (because of their amorphous nature).
Story Factors:
Squib-Ugor Conflict: The Ugors despise the Squibs and will go to great lengths to steal garbage from them, since they venerate garbage as a god.
Move: 10/12
Description: Ugors were a sentient blob-like species that existed in the galaxy. During the High Republic Era, Archivist OrbaLin was the first member of the species to ever join the Jedi Order. HarrGick was a male Ugor that was in Coronet Spaceport on Corellia in 13 BBY, during the Imperial Era. Ugors could sprout pseudopods that performed the functions of limbs and, according to Tyro Viveca, they exuded an unpleasant smell.
Biology and appearance
A sentient species, Ugors were blob-like entities which could be colored green and shape-shift. They could don biosuits to appear humanoid. They could sprout pseudopods which performed the functions of limbs, and Tyro Viveca considered them to smell unpleasant. Ugors could also shape their bodies to be able to speak, as well as trapping objects or ensnaring people inside of themselves. It was possible for Ugors to be Force-sensitive. Ugors did not truly breathe, at least not in the same way humans did.
The Ugor OrbaLin demonstrated the ability to duplicate himself into multiple bodies, but those bodies were not aware of each other's actions after duplication: one of OrbaLin's bodies took part in an assault on the planet Mulita, while another took part in the defense of the Valo Republic Fair. However, the battle on the world of Valo remained unknown to the Jedi on Mulita until contact was made. Additionally, it was not healthy for an Ugor to duplicate themself over and over again: OrbaLin was left mentally damaged after his many duplications. While a humanoid biosuit could make it seem like an Ubor had a head, the species had no such body part; while injuries to a head could be fatal for other species, Ubor were not fatally affected even when shot directly in—what their biosuit made look like—a "head." As OrbaLin was duplicated across several bodies when he was shot in the "head" by the Tempest Runner Lourna Dee, it meant he suffered greater injury than he should have.
Society and culture
When out and about in the galaxy, Ugors typically wore environment suits which allowed them to project a humanoid form more easily, using their pseudopods to animate it.
Ugors in the galaxy
During the High Republic Era, the Jedi Archivist OrbaLin was the first Ugor to ever be admitted to the Jedi Order. He later served as the resident archivist onboard the Starlight Beacon space station. In the Imperial Era, the Ugor HarrGick was present in Coronet Spaceport on Corellia in 13 BBY. The hunter Tyro Viveca wrote in the Smuggler's Guide about travelling onboard an Ugor starship to Kashyyyk, finding their smell unpleasant and considering them unintelligent.